Chapter 72: Big Girl Duties

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It took a moment before the reality of Mom's new rules sunk in.

My mind arrived at the worst possible conclusions when she mentioned that I would have to follow different toilet training rules.

But this, this was something I thought I could manage. All I would have to do would be able to do would be to hold my bladder as long as Emelia did. Piece of cake, right?

But something was nagging at me in the back of my mind. It wasn't the new rules that Mom had pronounced, but the way she had said it that was bothering me.

"I'll believe you actually want to be a big girl again." To her, it wasn't a question of whether I could make it to the toilet on time. She fully believed I could do so, and the only thing holding me back was some desire to be a baby.

It was ridiculous. Couldn't she see how stressed out I had been over my accidents the past few months? But there wasn't anything I could do to change her mind. Well, almost nothing. The only option was to prove myself worthy through this next challenge.

"I can do that!" I said, trying to muster up as much enthusiasm as possible. I couldn't have Mom thinking I wasn't fully committed to getting out of diapers.

"We're going to start right now," Mom said. "Wait here. Let me get your sister and have her use the toilet."

I laid still on the bed, naked from the waist down, as Mom left to get Emilia. I could hear her calling faintly to my sister, and the growing crescendo of pattering footsteps as Emilia immediately obeyed Mom's call.

The bathroom door slammed shut. That was followed a minute or so later by the sound of the toilet flushing and water running in the sink. Then it was my turn.

"Emilia just went potty," Mom said. "You need to go sit on the toilet now."

Mom hadn't offered me anything yet to cover my bottom. But I didn't care. I wasn't passing up the first chance to sit on the toilet in over two weeks.

The sensation of setting my bottom down on the plastic toilet seat felt foreign to me after having not done so for so long. I wasn't even sure that I needed to pee. I couldn't even recall the last time that I had done so. Had it been before, after, or even during the time that I had messed my diaper a short while ago?

My body felt confused as I attempted mentally strained to get something, anything to come out of my bladder. One minute passed. Then two. I had to do something. The last thing I needed to happen was to find myself desperately needing to pee in another twenty minutes.

I had to assume that I would need to hold my bladder in for at least another forty-five to fifty minutes. Emilia had begun to be able to go a bit longer without using the toilet than the initial thirty-minute timer she had been on while potty training.

As I shifted, I seemed to be finally working the correct muscles in my body. A short, warm stream of urine dripped steadily into the toilet. Finally, success. Still, I waited another minute to be sure that was the last of it.

Cleaning myself with toilet paper also felt odd. I missed the baby wipes, despite how annoyingly cold they sometimes felt. I had one foot out into the hallway before remembering I was supposed to wash my hands. Another toilet-related habit that had fallen by the wayside over the past couple of weeks.

I counted to twenty as I scrubbed my hands and fingers under the warm water. Mom was waiting for me back in the bedroom, and it wouldn't be unlike her to make note if she thought I had rushed through washing my hands without taking the time to make sure they had gotten properly cleaned.

I expected Mom to be waiting for me in the bedroom with a pull-up and some baby powder. I wouldn't have complained about it in the slightest. That would have been a massive step up from the diapers I had worn constantly over the past couple of weeks.

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