Chapter 66: What I Deserved

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Baby food. That is what Mom had ordered for me. And it wasn't the fun stuff either. The cans of baby food resembled applesauce, with some other fruits mixed in. No, the flavors she had ordered to be delivered included one with yams and another with pumpkins. Neither appeared appetizing.

Emilia had a regular meal for a preschooler. On her plate was a grilled cheese sandwich and some carrot sticks. Mom had a grilled cheese sandwich for herself as well, along with a small bowl of tomato soup to dip it into.

I had four jars of baby food. One each of the pumpkin and yam varieties, and two that were apples and bananas.

Instead of feeding me herself, Mom left that task to Emilia. It wasn't going well.

To be able to reach the spoon to my mouth, my younger sister had to use the same stepstool she had in the bathroom that let her reach the sink to wash her hands.

For someone who had only recently mastered being able to feed herself without needing a bib, feeding another person was still a challenge for Emilia. The bib I was wearing came in handy, as there was a fifty-fifty chance of food dripping off the spoon as it made its way into my mouth.

On more than one occasion, she had bumped my teeth. That would have hurt if not for the fact that Mom had given Emilia a rubber spoon to feed me with.

Mom had opened the apple and banana baby foods first, but Emilia was now reaching the bottom of both of those containers. She struggled to try to twist open the pumpkin baby food on her own and had to hand it to Mom for her to open.

I grimaced as I sucked the baby food off the spoon as Emilia pulled it from my mouth. There were worse flavors of baby food that Mom could have chosen, but there were a lot of better ones as well. It almost reminded me of unsweetened pumpkin pie.

Emilia eventually got bored with feeding me halfway through the pumpkins. She returned to eating her sandwich, and Mom finished feeding me the remaining baby food. The yams were even worse than the pumpkins, but at least Mom fed me at a faster pace, so I was able to get it over with quickly.

"Emilia, why don't you go use the potty?" Mom said. "It's a nice day for a walk. We're going out in a few minutes."

There were several objectionable things in that statement. Aside from the fact that I had no interest in leaving the house while wearing a diaper, nice wasn't a description that I would use to describe the weather. It wasn't even up to 50 degrees outside, and the sky was overcast. It wasn't a windy day, at least, but other than that, there wasn't much going for it.

I got out of the highchair myself as Emilia ran down the hallway to the bathroom.

The only other time Mom had taken me out in public while I was wearing a diaper, she had at least had me wear a dress. These leggings were the opposite of discreet.

"Come on," Mom said. She motioned for me to follow her. "We need to get you dressed to go outside."

That alleviated my concerns about my leggings. Except Mom led me to the closet near the front door rather than back to the bedroom.

"Arms up."

Mom grabbed my winter jacket from inside the closet and slid it onto me.

After the jacket was on, I reached back to touch my bottom. The jacket seemed to come down a decent way. Perhaps enough to mostly hide the diaper from view.

I twisted my head in an attempt to get a look at my backside in a mirror, but I wasn't able to get a good enough angle to tell if the bottom of the coat was coming down long enough to cover the diaper bulge in my leggings.

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