Chapter 58: Tangled Webs

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I had time to contemplate whether I had made the right decision as I walked back and forth to the car, taking a half-dozen trips to bring in the remaining groceries, which I helped Mom put away in the refrigerator and cupboards. Chores were about the only thing that could delay Mom from immediately meting out discipline.

I may have taken a few more trips to bring the groceries in than necessary, even if I knew it was only prolonging the inevitable.

It was already nearly time for dinner. The smell of the rotisserie chicken Mom had brought home was making my mouth water. Wearing a diaper for several hours before bed wasn't the punishment I wanted to have, but I knew from my experiences over the past several months that it could have gone much worse for me.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," Emilia whined, as she joined us in the kitchen, acting as if I somehow hadn't given her way more snacks than normal for the afternoon.

"Not yet," Mom said. "Your sister wasn't doing a good job babysitting you this afternoon. She took a nap when she was supposed to be watching you and peed herself. She's going to be wearing diapers the rest of today, and you can be the big sister tonight."

"Yeah, I can be big sister," Emilia said with a giggle.

Mom hadn't bothered to check with Emilia that I had, in fact, peed my pants. I suppose Mom wouldn't think I'd have any reason to say so if it actually hadn't happened.

"We better go get a diapie on your sister then," Mom said to Emilia.

That was my cue that I needed to head to our bedroom.

I stripped off my pants and underwear and laid down on the bed as Mom grabbed a diaper from the closet, as if I could retain some dignity by doing some of these steps myself rather than waiting for Mom to undress me.

The process wasn't any less humiliating than it had been the first night Mom had brought me to her bedroom to tell me that I was going to be needing to wear diapers to bed as pull-ups weren't sufficient to contain my nighttime accident.

In fact, with the addition of Emilia looking on, it was even more so.

I wasn't sure what was worse, Mom saying nothing to me as the silence was broken only by the crinkling of the diaper as she slid it under my bottom, or hearing her ask Emilia to help with fetching the baby powder, which was applied liberally on my bottom before the diaper was taped shut.

But Mom wasn't finished with turning me back into a baby. She had me lift my arms in the air as she pulled off my hoodie. That was replaced with a short t-shirt that only barely made it all the way down to the top of the diaper.

Getting all my skirts out of the closet this morning had been a bad idea, as it only served to give Mom additional ideas of how to dress me. Mom grabbed a skirt from the closet and slid it on me while I was still lying in the bed. This was one I had passed on wearing this morning because it didn't come nearly as close to reaching my knees.

I would have preferred sweatpants or even leggings. I didn't care if the outline of the diaper padding was visible, so long as it was at least covered up in a way that didn't make it totally obvious that it was wet whenever I peed it in. I stood up from the bed only to realize that not only did the skirt only barely cover the bottom of the diaper, an inch or so of the waistband was sticking out above the skirt as well.

"I have an important job for you since you're going to be the big sister this evening," Mom said to Emilia. "You need to keep an eye on your little sister's diaper and let me know when it needs to be changed."


Dinner was largely uneventful. There wasn't a highchair to sit on or bib to wear, and Mom didn't make me drink out of a bottle or a sippy cup.

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