Chapter 46: The Request

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The blue lines on my alarm clock blurred together in the early morning hours. I blinked rapidly and rubbed my eyes before taking another look to see what the time was. Five-thirty-seven in the morning. I shifted under my covers and rolled onto my back, checking my diaper with one hand. All dry. Not that being dry did me any good at the moment.

I had about a fifty percent chance of waking up before I peed in my nighttime diaper based on how the past month had gone. I also had a one hundred percent chance of the diaper being wet by the time Mom got me out of bed and allowed me to go to the bathroom to use the toilet and get showered for school. Even when I woke up dry, the urge to pee was way more than I could hold for several hours. And in the unlikely event that I was able to fall asleep despite the distractions from my bladder, that just meant waking up to a wet diaper later on.

The worst times were like today when I woke up super early in the morning.

Mom had made her nighttime rules abundantly clear. I was to wear a diaper to bed, and the diaper wasn't supposed to come off for any reason until she came to get me in the morning. Mom told me that the point was for me to practice holding my bladder the entire night. I did get the point she was trying to make, but at the same time, the rules seemed to accomplish what appeared to be Mom's other two main goals. There wasn't any wet bedding that needed to be washed, and she didn't have to wake up in the middle of the night to help me with the diaper.

There were a few times when I had woken up dry late enough in the morning where I had then attempted to stay dry until Mom had come to get me up. The best I had come to staying dry a whole night had been holding it in until about fifteen minutes before Mom had come in to wake me up.

This was not one of those mornings.

Stifling a yawn so as not to wake my younger sister Emilia, who I had to share a bedroom with, I sat upright on my knees in the bed and let my bladder do what it had been urging me to let it do.

It was much easier to pee while sitting up or standing than it was while lying down. The only times I'd wet the diaper while lying down had been after attempting to hold my bladder as long as I possibly could. At least it was warm right now. It wouldn't be when I woke up again a few hours later. If I was lucky enough, I'd be able to fall back asleep before the diaper got cold and irritating to my skin.


"Emilia, go and check to see if your sister stayed dry last night."

I felt a tug on my blanket and then a rush of coldness as I was rudely uncovered by my sister, who had become enthusiastic about her part in our role reversal.


I was now alone in needing to be checked on in the morning. Mom didn't need to check Emilia anymore. Any nighttime accident – not that there had been any in the past month – would have been incredibly obvious given that Emilia had been allowed to wear regular underwear to bed for a while now.

The past month had been as if a magic switch had been flipped for my little sister. Not a single accident, day or night. Not even a tiny leak or some desperate close calls. But Mom's final success with Emilia's toilet training made her all the more frustrated with me. She was convinced that her methods were right, and therefore there must be something that I was doing wrong.

After hearing the expected reply from my sister, Mom slipped into the bedroom, slid a changing pad under my bottom, and speedily removed the soggy diaper, handing it to Emilia to toss into the diaper bin.

Once Mom had finished wiping me clean, I lay on the bed while they left the room and didn't get up until I was certain I could hear Mom and my sister in the kitchen. I grabbed some fresh clothes from the dresser – high-waisted jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie – and then discreetly reached into my dirty laundry hamper and removed a pull-up with rainbows on it.

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