Chapter 50: Lisa's Sleepover Part 3: Confessions

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Samantha and Desi were both still clearly wearing diapers under their pajamas when I returned to the bedroom. Lisa had offered to help with telling Samantha and Desi about my bedwetting and bladder issues, and I had gladly taken her up on it. I didn't have the slightest clue about how I was supposed to begin explaining it to them.

After our talk out on the porch, Lisa had gone back inside a few minutes before me. She'd asked me to give her about five minutes, so I counted to three hundred in my head as steadily as I could. I'd promised her that I would come back in and face my friends, whatever their reactions might be, and there wasn't going to be any backing out of that.

Now that I was back in the bedroom, I shuffled my feet awkwardly just inside the doorway. I couldn't even bring myself to make eye contact with anyone. Then Samantha rushed forward and embraced me in a massive hug, with Desi joining in a second later, while Lisa took a step back and watched. None of us said a word, but any words were completely unnecessary at the moment. I knew exactly what their hugs meant, and so did they.

I didn't think I could even begin to find the words to describe the immense amount of relief I felt. How could I possibly have thought this was going to have turned out any differently? That wasn't to say I wasn't still feeling embarrassed, but the sense of dread that had been building up was no longer there.

"You doing alright? Desi asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

I rested my head on Samantha's shoulder, not wanting our group hug to end.

"So, um, Lisa told us everything," Samantha said.

"I know. I asked her to help tell you."

"You really are still wetting the bed?"

This interrogation is what I'd hoped to avoid by having Lisa explain my situation to Samantha and Desi for me. I should have realized that they were still going to have a bunch of questions.

"Lately it's been pretty much every night."

"How on earth did you manage to get through the last sleepover without us noticing?" Samantha asked.

"I have this one easy trick to avoid wetting the bed."

"What's that?"

"Not falling asleep in the first place. I pulled an all-nighter to avoid having any accidents at that sleepover. Mom wasn't impressed with how tired I was the next day."

I didn't mention how I'd borrowed a pull-up from Samantha's younger brother to wear as a precaution that night.

"I should have figured that something was up with you during the day, though, when you started to go to the bathroom a lot more frequently between classes," Desi said. "Obviously, I knew something was off, but I didn't have a single clue that you were wearing pull-ups or having accidents in them."

I guess Lisa did mean it when she said that she was going to tell my other two friends everything.

"I'm impressed," Desi said. "No really, I am. I can't believe you managed to keep that a secret from us all this time."

"Being deathly scared of how you guys might react was probably part of it."

"When they do career day, you need to sign up for the FBI or CIA," Samantha said. "Neither of us had the slightest clue."

"It wasn't that difficult," I muttered, feeling myself blush at her praise.

"Does it make you feel a bit more comfortable having us wear the diapers with you?" Desi asked.

I nodded affirmatively, and Desi sighed.

"I was kind of hoping this would mean I could take them off, but I'll wear them for tonight, but this is a onetime-only deal, you understand?"

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