Chapter 9 Finally

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Lin Chen was awakened by the knocking on the window.

 Standing outside the window was a cleaning aunt wearing a yellow poncho. He stood up and opened the window, only to hear the aunt say angrily: "Xiao Lin, do you have the key to Yanqing's tool room?" Lin Chen shook his head and suddenly remembered, asked: "Isn't the whole school closed today?"

 "Isn't the school closed? The boss didn't give us a holiday." The aunt held a long broom, "We have a hard time sweeping the floor."

 Lin Chen was keenly aware of the abnormality here. , why did the cleaning lady come specifically to ask him for the key to Yu Yanqing's tool room?

 Thinking of this, he asked: "Who invited you to ask me for the key to Yu Yanqing's tool room?" "

 Oh, you guys have such a good relationship." The aunt smiled, seeing the good-looking young man, the old man The aunts always joke a little more: "She resigned and said she left the key to you. Is it with you? Who doesn't know? She always runs to you when she has something to do... "

 The old aunt was still chattering, but Lin Chen suddenly had a bad premonition.

 Yu Yanqing resigned, but did not return the key to the tool room and told the others that the key was with him?

 But he did not get any keys. If there were no keys, the logistics department would of course break the door.

 So, what is behind the door?

 "The key may be with me, but I have to look for it. Can you please go clean somewhere else first?" Lin Chen bowed slightly and after speaking to his aunt, he turned back to the bedside and dialed Xing Cong on his mobile phone. Lian's phone number


 When Xing Conglian arrived, Lin Chen was alone, leaning against the door of the basement entrance. Apparently he had been alone for a long time. Seeing Xing Conglian followed by

 forensic police officers and forensic doctors, he nodded. Stand up straight and get out of the way.

 There was only a dim light on the stairwell, which made his face look gloomy, even a little sad.

 As a criminal investigator, Xing Conglian could certainly smell the unusual fishy smell in the air. His face darkened, he put on his gloves and opened the door to the basement. The strong smell of blood made everyone suffocate.

 The criminal police who are accustomed to handling scenes have set up a cordon in accordance with the regulations. All the lights were turned on. The lights were dazzling, and the dark underground space suddenly seemed like daylight.

 Damaged desks, dilapidated beds, and scattered textbooks. Every item in the basement was illuminated brightly and clearly by the spotlights, and even the dust was cast a glistening light.

 At the end of the entire space is a closed, ocher-colored wooden door.

 A police officer found the master key and asked Xing Conglian for instructions.

 Xing Conglian glanced at Lin Chen, took the key and walked to the black wooden door.

 Opening the door is very simple. The key is inserted into the keyhole, twisted slightly, and the door opens with a click.

 Xing Conglian felt that there was nothing more difficult and bitter in the world than this.

 The smell of blood floated out along the crack of the door.

 He put his hand on the door panel, glanced at Lin Chen again, and said, "I even want to suspect that you are the murderer." The flashlight shot out a strong light, illuminating the entire room.

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