Chapter 209 - 210

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   Chapter 209 Xiao Zhan

Of course, Lin Chen had thought that if one day he was lucky enough to be with Xing Conglian, then they would have a very interesting life. Facts have proved that his speculation was not wrong.

 After he said "goodbye" to Xing Conglian, he took out the headset and walked out of the ward with a thick stack of medical examination reports that needed to be filled out by the doctor.

 The moment the door opened, the medical staff pushing the hospital bed whizzed by. Lin Chen took two steps back and stood back in the door frame.

 With a sudden glance, he saw an old man lying on the hospital bed. It was often moments like this that made people realize the uncertainty of fate.

 He still remembered that when he walked through the special care ward yesterday, he saw this old man educating his subordinates with great energy, but now he was lying on the hospital bed unaware of what was going on, as if he only had one breath left.

 The elevator door opened wide in the distance, the hospital bed was quickly pushed in, the iron gate closed, and the number of floors on the elevator logo quickly dropped.

 Slow footsteps sounded from behind him. Lin Chen turned his head and unexpectedly saw the young subordinate who was lectured by the old man yesterday.

 They looked at each other, and the young man in a suit and tie avoided his gaze and had no intention of running after the hospital bed.

 Lin Chen held the physical examination report and briefly looked at the other person. He turned around on his toes and walked towards the other party.

 This young man's hair is very soft. It seems that it was cut very short to highlight his strong temperament, so it looks very out of place. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and a loose suit that didn't fit him well. His expression was dejected. He didn't have much pain or resentment, only a sense of confusion.

 "Hello." Lin Chen greeted the other party.

 "I made you laugh."

 He didn't expect that the other party would actually reply like this: "Are you laughing?"

 The young man lowered his head even lower: "Didn't you happen to pass by when I was being lectured by the chairman yesterday."

 Lin Chen was even more surprised. , just for such a brief eye contact yesterday, this young man could actually remember him, and now he specifically mentioned such an embarrassing thing. In line with the principle of saying what you have to say, he asked strangely: "Why did you mention this suddenly?" ?”

 "I..." the young man hesitated. Although he looked like he didn't know what to say, he continued, "I thought... you wanted to come to me to talk or something. I thought this would be the beginning. ...Will..."

 He patted the other party's shoulder very gently and explained for the other party: "Would you think that starting like that would be a better way to start a heart-to-heart conversation?" The

 young man rubbed his face with his hands. , shook his head, turned around and left.

 Lin Chen was also helpless. Why did he encounter such inexplicable things just when he went out for a physical examination? After the young man took a step forward, he stopped the other person: "I'm going to have a physical examination now, which will take almost an hour. If you are free, can you accompany me?" The young man turned around and nodded vigorously


 Lin Chen stood at the entrance of the elevator. The young man next to him pressed the elevator button for him very politely, as if he was used to this kind of work. When the elevator door opened, the other person held the door down and asked him to go in first.

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