Chapter 160 -163

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  Chapter 160 It's Hard to Tell (1)

Some people talk all the time, while others are trapped by bad luck and unable to speak.

 Although Lin Chen didn't know what method the other party used to make Song Shengsheng unable to even call the police, the dark forces really had too many ways to make a person shut up.

 Xing Conglian put his hand on his shoulder, pressed his shoulder gently, and suddenly asked Li Jingtian: "Li Jingtian, were those things you asked Liu Ying to trick Xu Ran into doing, were they really all your own ideas?"

 Li Jingtian suddenly raised his head, seemingly confused, but the shock hidden in his eyes could not be concealed.

 Lin Chen couldn't immediately understand the meaning of Xing Conglian's question. He turned his head and looked at the other party.

 "Answer me." Xing Conglian slammed his hands on the iron table, leaned forward, and stared at Li Jingtian.

 After a while, Li Jingcai squeezed the cigarette butt and asked casually: "It's really interesting that you ask that." "

 Consultant Lin, does his answer mean 'yes' or 'no'?" Xing Conglian asked.

 "Not directly denying means acquiescing." After Lin Chen finished speaking, he suddenly woke up and was frightened: "What do you mean?" Xing Conglian nodded, sneered and

 said to Li Jingtian: "Nine years ago, your grandfather was in For the sake of the performing arts business in Xinni, CA Company may shut up Song Shengsheng to protect you. But nine years have passed, and your family is now at the end of its power in Xinni. Have you ever thought about it, this time The abandoned son became you, and the one who wanted to regain the high position became Song Shengsheng?"

 Li Jingtian's face was uncertain.

 However, Xing Conglian had no intention of letting him go: "You know, Aangye asked Song Shengsheng to work in a bakery near our home three months ago. He did this just to make us relax our vigilance. He had already You were planning Song Shengsheng's comeback months ago. Looking back now, during those three months, after you raped Xu Ran, you just had to settle down and shut your mouth. Once the limelight was over, you You can still be your big star and enjoy the adoration of passers-by and the screams of fans, but you had to plan the throat-cutting case that you directed and acted in Hongjing Ansheng International Mall, and then you were bumped into by Consultant Lin. "

 Li Jingtian suddenly pushed the desk and chair away crazily and shouted at Xing Conglian: "Shut up, shut up!" "Sorry, the

 person in this world who can shut me up has not been born yet." Xing Conglian smiled. He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it for himself. He took a puff and puffed out the smoke with half-closed eyes. "You chose the meeting place very well and the candidates were very good. Where did you find that acting skills?" Gao Ming and Xu Ran look like a girl again? It happened in Hongjing... Tsk, it was a living suicide attack." Li Jingtian's ferocious

 face finally showed a look of collapse.

 Xing Conglian held a cigarette in his mouth and walked step by step in front of Li Jingtian: "No matter who the person behind you is, they just need to give you some small guidance at the right time that you can't even notice, and guide you towards the abyss of self-inflicted sin, no matter how easy it is. If I give you a little nudge, like giving us some tips at the right time, it will be difficult for you not to die." Xing Conglian paused, pinched the cigarette butt, and said to Li Jingtian, "Of course, this is all my personal speculation, so, does this person really exist? Do you exist, Mr. Li Jingtian?"

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