Long time no see.

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*4 month time skip*

I woke up gasping for air, lying in the middle of no where, alone. I stood up and started walking looking for a road, a house, anything really. I found a road and started to walk south. As i was walking i began questioning myself, how did i get out, wait what date is it ?

I walked till i found a building which looked like a cabin from the outside but i was about a mile away and i could here the music so i'm guessing it was like a club or something. I pushed past a few people who just stared at me, probably because i was all dirty. I pushed my way to the bar as the bartender walked over to me.

" what can i get you ?" the asked while drying a glass.

" um, i actually came to ask if i could use your phone ?"

he nodded and walked with me out of the building so i could hear.

i took his phone and dialed Deans number.

it rang seven times before he answered.

"hello ?" dean said

" Dean ! dean its Ashley ! " i said about to cry at the sound of his voice.

" okay, whoever this is its not funny !" he said before hanging up.

I gave the man his phone back and began to walk away.

" where is it you're going ?

i told him bobby's address and he said he knew how to get there.

he told me what direction to go an then i left.

* 4 hour time skip *

i finally arrived at the gates of bobby house, i had been walking for hours and it was now dark. As i walked up the steps to knock on the door i noticed the impala wasn't there. i knocked three times on the door before i seen the light come on from the window.

Bobby opened the door and his mouth fell open. i flung my arms round him and started to sob, he then invited me inside.

He let me go to the shower and get ready before the boys came home.

They hadn't moved any of my things it was all in the exact same place.

I put pajamas on and went downstairs to sit with Bobby.

" So how are you here, i thought you..." Bobby was trying to find the right words to say without hurting my feelings.

" you mean i got out in the cadge with Lucifer for four months " i giggled nervously.

Bobby nodded as he was about to speak he was interrupted by the screeching of tires and a car door slamming. I shot up off of the couch and ran at the door. I yanked the door open to see Sam and Dean getting their stuff out of the trunk.

Dean took a glance over the trunk then looked back down only to shoot his head back up and stare at me. The hit Sam on his shoulder and Sam looked up and stared to run towards me . I started to walk to the top step and i jumped for him, i wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and he did the same around my waist. He was standing on the second step and i was standing three steps up from him he didn't let go for about a minuet.

"so what the hell did you guys do without me ?" i said sarcastically. After that Sam and I sat outside on the steps and just talked.
" Ash, what was it like. In the cadge ?" Sam asked.
"Believe me you don't want to know" I said looking down at the floor.
"You know you can te..."
" Sam, no. You don't need to know the details" I yelled.

"Ugh i just don't want you to keep it to your self" Sam said.

" It was horrible, everyday its just Lucifer trying to come up with another way to make you cry or feel hurt. Then if you show no emotion, he... he makes you hurt, innocent people the things i saw, the people i killed." i had to stop due to the lack of air getting into my lungs and i started crying.

Sam pulled me in for a hug, as the tears spilled from my eyes he just kept telling me it was all okay now.

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