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When Yuko came back to her room she had two small bowls of ice cream and gave one to him as she sat near her pillows as he sat at the end of her bed. "I guess I should start off with the beginning of this bull shit. As you know I am the youngest of my family-pretty much the you of my family. I was my parents' prodigy and I hated it. Instead of my father being the one to force shit on me...it was my mother who had. She's the one I hated the most out of the two of them. My father was the nice one of the two of them-but he had to place on an act when my mother was around or he'd hear about it later." Yuko started

"So it was the complete opposite for you then." Shoto commented

"Oh yeah, and this place doesn't usually have quirks like you guys are used to. Everything here is based on how smart you are intellectually and well my elder three siblings didn't really make the cut for my mother. All three of them were held back a year and were as dumb as doornails. They had no reasoning or deduction skills-as I do. As you saw earlier, my eldest sister still doesn't see the whole picture. I let her do what she wanted to me cause of my mental illnesses that I gained after all the years of being treated like some animal instead of like their child." Yuko said between bites of her ice cream

"And that must have been terrible for you huh?"

"Oh you have no idea. I wasn't allowed to eat or do anything around my siblings. I was placed in a different school than them and I was locked in a room away from all three of them. I wasn't allowed out of the room unless I was going to school. They forced me to go into different clubs and activities that I had no interest in and took away things that I found interest in." Yuko said sadly. "That is until they died on their way to get me from one of the clubs I was forced into."

Shoto stayed quiet as he heard her speak, he wanted to figure out just what was going on with Yuko so he knew how to better deal with her and to understand her a lot better as well.

Yuko finished her ice cream and placed the bowl to the side before she hugged her knees. "The most fucked up thing is that at the age that I lost my parents...It happened the day after my birthday and that birthday was the worst one yet because they didn't want me to get side tracked by stupid things like my birthday. Granted I've never done anything for my birthday-even after that bull shit happened. Since my parents death and my siblings basically disowning me I've never done anything for my birthday. It's just another day for me, so are holidays that people celebrate."

"And no one thought that it was strange for a mere fifteen year old to be on their own?" Shoto asked with a raised eyebrow as he finished his own ice cream

"Nope, cause after people turn the age of fourteen they're known as 'adults' to the government-and that's something I didn't know till after my parents had died." Yuko said sadly shaking her head

Shoto moved himself closer to her and he pulled her into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. She leaned herself up against him and she sobbed out against him-he petted the back of her head as she soon fell asleep against him once more. That time he kicked off his shoes before he chose to sleep beside her that night. He had her securely in his arms as he kept her comfort until he fell asleep himself, when he did-he wasn't expecting what he had saw when he fell asleep that night. But it did help him understand the situation that Yuko was in a lot more than just hearing the words from her. He saw everything that went on with her through the walls of the house she once lived in.

Yuko was at a young age as she was doing small work papers after small work papers as she sat a small table beside a single sized bed. She had her hair down as it was to her waist. Yuko finished all of her work and knocked on the door until it opened up showing an elder male with golden eyes. "Have you finished your work like a good girl?"

I love you, I hate you [MHA love story]Where stories live. Discover now