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It's all my fault.

I was told many times to stick to the damn storyline, but I didn't.

Haha, you probably don't understand what I'm talking about, but trust me, things shouldn't have turned out this way. I wasn't meant to be here.

So I've decided, I'm leaving.

I was meant to leave a long time ago now, and I've decided that I must leave now. I love you all very much, and thank you for helping me escape the cold reality I used to live and breathe in. But I need to go back to it. There are things that must be done and finished.

Nanami & Mizuki;

Thank you.

Thank you for being my friends. Before I met you both, I found it hard to make friends. I was lonely and I was, well, a screw up! You helped me realise I wasn't a screw up.

Nanami, I forgot to tell you, remember the revision we did for the maths exam...well...I ACED IT! I aced that test because of you. You both showed me that I do have people that love me.

You're like a sister to me, Nanami, and Mizuki, you will always be my big, perverted, snake brother. I don't know how I will ever repay you both for your kindness, generosity and love. Thank you for everything.


This is all your damn fault.

You are indeed a massive, utter jerk. I told you many times to stay the hell away from me, but you never! Why? I told you, yet you never listened, however, it doesn't mean I wanted you to.

But your destiny (or whatever the hell it is) doesn't involve me. Your destiny is to be with Nanami. That is how the story goes.

I never thought I would say this to anybody (especially you...) but, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry because I've got to break that promise before I break anything else (including you).

You were the one who would annoy the absolute crap out of me, but you were also the one who would always protect me. You were also the one who stalked me when I found a guy, but you were also the one who would save me. But you also gave a damn for me.

You were the one who meant everything to me.

I hate how this has to end, and I hate the fact that I left you with this crappy note and didn't tell you in person. But this time I'm protecting you.

Before I go, I want you to know something. Remember the night you asked me about stories and asked if we ever got happy endings? I never answered you. But now I'm definite in what it could have been.

You were my happy ending, idiot.

I won't forget you because you were all the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.

I love you all.

Goodbye, Brooke x

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