Chapter 8: Opinions and A Talking Bird

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I couldn't stop running. I didn't want to. But I also didn't know why. I ran through the woods, stingers and nettles surrounding me and making me stumble; but I couldn't stop. I had to run, I had to get away from them! I felt like they were going to make me tell them something I didn't want to.

What though?

Panting, I stopped and crawled up the big tree the nearest to me. I was petrified to tears. Fear started gripping on to me with its cold, icy hands.

Why was I so afraid?

"Come out, Brooke!" Shouted a familiar voice.

"Brooke, you idiot! Come out!" Called another.

"Brooke, stop being a moron, you attention seeker!" Yelled another high pitched voice.

Who were they? All I knew was there was tears falling from my eyes, it was like a waterfall of tears. Why was I crying?

"There she is!" Pointed a small, shaky hand towards me. Quickly, I jumped from the tree, shaking like a leaf. As I landed, I noticed I cut my wrist on the tree. Blood was pouring out of my wrist, I was starting to feel queasy, but something told me I had to continue on.

I hobbled away, but a pale, cold hand dug it's sharp nails into my shoulder blade. "Where do you think you are going, Brooklyn?"

In front of me I knew instantly who these people are, and I knew they were angry at me, and they were going to kill me. How did I know? They all were pulling hard at my hair and simultaneously said, "You're dead."

It was Tomoe, Nanami and Mikage.

~ • ~

"Wake up, dammit!" Cried a voice. I was being shaken by the voice. "AHHH!" I screamed, opening my eyes. I grabbed the person who was shaking me and broke down in their arms, shaking like a leaf.

"It's just a nightmare." I whispered frantically to myself. "It's just a nightmare, a nightmare, a god awful nightmare."

"You've been screaming like that for almost half an hour," said the voice, shocked. I lifted my head up and my eyes met with a pair of purple ones

"Tomoe, what the hell are you doing in here? Aren't you suppose to be, I dunno, guarding Nanami?" I complained, biting my nails. He rolled his eyes. "Well I was in fact enjoying just sitting there, guarding a girl who I didn't want anything to do with, and looking at the ground, then I heard a scream, which belonged to you, who I'm regrettably the familiar to, and I decided to see if you were in any sort of distress. You were shaking ever so violently, and you wouldn't stop screaming, which does concern me." So the moron does have feelings? How cute.

"Well, erm thanks, I guess." I mumbled, pushing myself away from Tomoe and stood up from the ground. Wait...familiar? OH CRAP! I kissed (maybe forced) Tomoe to be my familiar. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter. "But I can look after myself." But again, like I always do, I fell over, well kinda.

I glided across the polished floorboards, unaware that I would eventually slip. However, that fall never happened. I was caught by Tomoe. "Please do be careful where you are going," he sighed, letting me down carefully. Well done, me.

~ • ~


Why is Nanami still asleep? I groaned and stood up and like a ninja I crept into Nanami's room. Seems like an easy task, right?

Well Tomoe was guarding Nanami.

If I woke Nanami up Tomoe would go mad as not only have I ruined his last moments of freedom, he would wake her up for me, which would end up with Nanami and Tomoe having a massive argument and probably some punches here and there. There was no way I was going to have blood on the floor that I perfectly mopped yesterday.

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