Chapter 24: What's With The Competition?

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I leaned towards my laptop's bright screen, eager to see what Usui would say to Misaki next. I so loved 'Kaichou wa Maid-Sama!'. I never used to watch anime, but when I was fourteen I started scrolling through my Tumblr and saw a bunch of recommendations and pictures.

My first anime was Fairy Tail, and I still love it to this day. Ah, those damn Nalu feels. From that day on I started looking for new anime and started to become obsessed.

And the anime I was currently obsessed with was 'Kaichou wa Sama-Maid!'.

"You're the first person ever to appear in my life and able to make me a mess," replied Usui. Wow, I think my feels are flooding. It's not like I didn't need them anyway.

"AWWW!" I screamed happily, taking a sip of my energy drink.

The door slammed open and standing outside it was Jessica and Charlotte with curlers in their hair. They were looking quite annoyed. Quite pissed, actually.

"Do you know what time it is, idiot?" Hissed Charlotte pointing to my Black Butler wall clock.

I rubbed my eyes and slurred, "It's Sebby time, why?"

Jessica stomped over towards me and slapped me across the face. "Don't play stupid."

I rolled my eyes, rubbing my sore cheek and looked up at my clock.


"It's too early to go to sleep!" I groaned, facing back towards my laptop. "You go get your beauty sleep, but it would be better if you really hibernated instead. You need it. So, let me enjoy my anime, okay?"

I plugged my headphones back in and was about to click play when I heard a giggle behind my back.

"You seriously think you're going to get a boyfriend if you just sit in here watching hours of anime and reading manga? Pathetic," Charlotte teased spitefully.

"Why would I want a boyfriend when I've got a variety of anime? At least the anime characters I like are more intelligent and nicer than the actual boys at school. I have high expectations, didn't you notice?"

"Because of your stupid cartoons," answered Jessica irritably.

"One, they are not stupid. Two, they aren't cartoons. Three, yes it's because of my 'anime'. Now get out my room!" I growled sharply, facing the computer and pointing towards the door.

"You're going to be a loner for the rest of your life. But you don't need anime to do that. You're just a lonely bitch who's never going to love anyone because your parents never showed you that, did they?"

"Don't you..." My headphones were out and I stood up, clenching my fists tightly.

"...dare..." Before I knew it I had pinned Charlotte to the wall and my fist was near her face.

"INVOLVE MY GODDAMN PARENTS, YOU STUPID BITCH!" I yelled angrily. Charlotte started choking, but I didn't care.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Shouted Aunt Lindsey wildly entering my room. She gasped as he saw my lower arm was pushed against Charlotte's throat.

Lindsey grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards her. "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

Charlotte grasped her throat, coughing and retching. Jessica looked down at Charlotte and started rubbing her back.

"Mommy, Brooklyn said some mean things to us, then we tried to make friends but she said no and then Charlie said sorry and Brooklyn got angry and said she was going to kill us!"

That's not true.

Why are they lying? They aren't winning anything!

But that's not it.

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