Chapter 35: We're Going To The Seaside

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I, Tomoe and Nanami were all sitting down on the Ferris wheel, all feeling pretty tired and annoyed.

"Okay, serious question Brooke."

I turned to Nanami and gulped. "Go on."

"Did it ever occur to you that I just can't believe it. I mean out of everyone..."

"What? What did it ever occur to me?" I urged impatiently. I just wanted her to get it out already! The guilt was suffocating me slowly.

" seriously believe that I would call you'bestie'???"


"I mean sure, I would understand 'friend' and 'homie' but 'bestie'? Do you seriously think that low of me?"

I was shocked. "I didn't know?" I felt like that was more of a question more of a reply.

"Seriously? Since when did I ever call you 'bestie', huh?"


"EXACTLY! URGH! YOU'VE ANNOYED ME BROOKLYN!" She exclaimed whilst wagging her finger at me. Her facial expressions quickly softened after her 'rant' and she joined me on my side of the cart.

"But it's not your fault. It's those ugly yokais who tricked you, you must have been pretty freaked out."

"That's an understatement to the very least."

She wrapped her arms around me and started to pat my head. I was freaked out at first, but I found it somewhat relaxing.

"You know what, there has been something that has made my day."

"Which is?" Spoke Tomoe.

I looked up at Nanami and gave her a cheesy grin. She understood what I meant and like that started to grin as well.

We looked at Tomoe and said simultaneously:

"Just be careful from now on!"


"Brooke, how would you feel about the beach?"

I then pretended to be ill and cough loudly, sneeze, choke, the whole being ill-and-trying-to-miss-school act you give to your parents. "I could have literally died and you just sat there."

"You're funny Brooke," giggled Nanami as she flipped through the pages of the magazine she was reading. "But wouldn't you like to go to the beach? Get a tan? Go in the sea? Make sandcastles?"

I snapped open my book. "Basically would I want to get a sunburn, see if Jaws is looking for a meal, and get sand in my costume, hair, body, and possibly soul? Yeah, no thanks."

Nanami then grabbed my shoulders and started to shake me violently.

"Oh pleaaaase Brooke, pleaaaaaase with a cherry on the top?"

"What kind of cherry are we talking about here?"

"One that is on the top of a cupcake with butter cream icing and sprinkles?"

I shut my book and took my headphone out my one ear. "Yeah, that ain't going to do it."

I started to leave when all of a sudden Nanami grabbed my two feet making me fall to the ground like the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk.

"DUDE!?" I shouted trying to wriggle myself from her grasp.

"Pweeeeassseee Bwookie, pweeeease! Ami and Kei suggested it and it would be good for you!"

"I said no!" Did she just call me Bwookie?

"What if I make you sasamochi for the next whole week?" Tempting.

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