Chapter 4: Childish Fox-Boy...

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I wasn't too fond of this character.


He was emotionless and cold. I only read a few chapters, yet I never quite understood how you could like this character. He was harsh, bossy, and not you're typical 'dream fictional prince'.

He slowly walked towards me. "You're not Mikage," he said coldly, "you haven't got the mark of the Land God upon you. The only mark you have is the mark of the Time God."

I blinked. Mikage gave me the gift of time? Why? Why not something related to nature? But there was one question which kept nibbling away at the back of my head.

"How do you know?"

Every swift footstep he took made me cringe. He grabbed my face and pressed his claw against my cheek. "Your eyes." He whispered sharply. "You have the mark on your eyes, stupid girl."

I punched him in the jaw and pushed him away from me, causing me to stumble back. Luckily, Nanami caught me.

"What the-..."


What does he mean? My eyes? Two masked children rushed towards Tomoe's side. "Master Tomoe! What happened?" Shrieked the girl. I know her name, Onikiri, I think. Tomoe shot a dirty look at me, but I just smiled at him.

Nanami stepped in front of me. Tomoe looked at Nanami, eyes wide. "Why does this child have the mark of the Land God on her? Where's Mikage!" He demanded.

"Master Tomoe, I think that this girl is the new Land God," mumbled the boy. Kotetsu, yeah, Kotetsu!

"Yes," agreed Onikiri, "She has the mark right on her forehead.

"W-what? How?" Nanami squealed.

"Well it all started when Lord Mikage bestowed a kiss upon you're forehead!" Explained Onikiri. "However, your friend, is a different story. I don't know how Lord Mikage bestowed her power."

But Mikage kissed me on the forehead? How come I don't have the mark on my head instead of my eyes!?

Onikiri grabbed my hand and whispered, "We've been waiting for you Lady Time God, we've been waiting for a very long time."

What did she mean? How long ago has it been since the Time God visited? Also why did Mikage leave?

"And now the Mikage Shrine can rejoice! The Land God and Time God has returned!"

"WAIT!" Me and Nanami yelled simultaneously.

"I'm just Nanami Momozono! Just a normal high school student!"

"You seriously can't expect us to take care of a shrine!" I moaned.


I rotated my head to the annoying voice it came from. "What did you say?" I growled. Tomoe snapped opened his prissy fan. "You're incompetent children. Mikage is really dumb, especially trusting you with his shrine! Pathetic."

"Oh, trust me, I've been called much worse by better," I snarled. If looks could kill.

Tomoe smirked. Why the hell is he smirking? I should!

"So wait, I'm the land God, and Brooke is the time God, all because a little kiss?" Nanami questioned.

"Ridiculous," I said simultaneously with Tomoe. We shot each other a dirty look as the word escaped our mouths.

"And this is some sort of yokai shrine?" Nanami pressed on, but froze up.

"Nanami, are you okay?" I fretted as her face became paler.

The Fangirl In Kamisama Kiss?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora