Chapter 15: I'm On My Own

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"Oh, you're burning up, dearie!" Panicked my mother as she removed the metal thermometer from my mouth. She started pacing. My mother could get worked up really quickly.

I coughed and sniffled. "Mommy, I don't feel too good!" My mother sighed and climbed into my bed.

She wrapped her arms around my small waist and whispered into my ear, "Don't worry, darling. Daddy's has gone to get you some medicine, now just close your eyes, okay? Don't worry, everything is going to be alright."

I sniffled again and closed my eyes gently. My head was aching ever so much, and my tummy was hurting too. My mom said I caught the flu. Typical.

"Mommy, my head is hurting!" I screamed. My mom cooed into my ear, "Shh, shh, shh, you're okay."

"Mommy, am I dying?" I croaked, tears escaping my eyes. My mom chuckled and squeezed my hand. "Of course you're not, you muppet! Now settle down now, and let me look after you. I will protect you from the evil flu, okay?"


A gentle smile spread across her face and she whispered, "I promise. I promise that I will always look after you, protect you, love you. I promise you that I will be the best mummy you could ever have!"

And right up until the moment she died, she was the best mummy I could ever have.

The one thing that pains me today is that I never told her that. I never told her she was the best mother, I never told her that I did love her, and I never told her goodbye, even! Imagine not saying any of that to your mother! I have had to live with the burden of guilt on my shoulders since my mom and dad died.

But why did she do this? Why did she protect me? Why did she look after me? Why did she love me?

Because she knew what love and responsibility was. She was the best goddamn mother you could have ever had. It was also because she kept her promise to me. She protected me, and she did truly love me.

Now its my turn to protect the people I love.

~ • ~

Narukami thrusted the massive, golden mallet towards Nanami and Tomoe.


I squinted my eyes, gagging and I started wafted the magical smoke away. As the magical smoke disappeared from Nanami and Tomoe, I noticed that Narukami wasn't done yet.

She placed her smooth, cold hand on the new infant Nanami's small forehead and took something from there. It was glowing, and when I realised what it was I dashed towards Narukami.

The barrier was starting to fade away. I stopped and watched Narukami rise from the ground.

"It was indeed a pleasure meeting you Lady Brooklyn. I do hope you re-consider and give me that wonderful gift you currently possess," Narukami said sarcastically sweetly. I growled and I then saw Onikiri and Kotetsu following her.

They swirled around me and held one of my hands each. "We are very sorry, miss," Onikiri wept, gripping tightly to my thumb with her small hands. "Princess Narukami has the Mikage's mark."

I glared at her, but she just smirked at me. I hated her so much. My blood was boiling. "So, she hasn't got mine!" I implied, still glaring at Narukami. They both looked towards the ground.

"B-But I need you guys! I need you to help me with the shrine, help me with my divine powers, help me with Tomoe, hell I need you! You can't just go with her!" I cried sadly.

"In order for us to be with you..." Started Kotetsu. "You must retrieve Lady Nanami's mark back." Tears started welling up in my eyes. They can't just leave me! Slowly, they let go of my thumbs and followed Narukami.

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