Chapter 30: Is This A Joke?

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Brooklyn P.O.V

"So you...passed out in the forest?" I continued looking down at the ground with, clenching my fists tightly. I can't believe it. I was angry, no, I was annoyed.

But not with Tomoe.

"What's the matter, Brooke?" Nanami asked.

What's the matter? Tomoe found my book. Tomoe went insane because I never hid my book properly. Tomoe left because of me and my foolishness. I caused this, yet the guy saves my goddamn life and I'm here avoiding him and yelling at him.

This isn't right. Nothing is alright. Hell, I'm not alright! Okay, that was a bit dramatic.

But I don't want to upset Tomoe or Nanami anymore. They must have been a bit spooked when they saw their future right in front of them. Imagine looking through a strange book and suddenly finding yourself making out with a guy/girl you have hardly spoken to on a page in the book. It would be damn right creepy.

I exhaled and brought my knees to my chest and placed my head on my kneecaps. Relax, Brooke.

Tomoe was trying to avert his eyes from my face but I couldn't help but notice he kept looking at my face a lot while he told me his story. My eyes finally met with Tomoe's.

But he just kept staring at me. Now in a situation like this I would have shouted "YOU FREAKING PERVERT!", but honestly I wasn't in the mood.

"Just continue," I sighed.

"You sure? Because this might change your opinion on someone immensely," smirked Tomoe as he sprawled himself out on the ground. Opinion? Who have I met who would change my opinion on them?

"I don't think a girl like you would understand as well, I mean he did tell me to not tell you, he said you'd get upset."

I raised my eyebrow and said, "Try me."

"Fine." Tomoe sat up quickly and gave a wicked smile. He's not going to make me run off. I can handle anything!

Well, I hope.

~ * ~

Tomoe's POV
4 Days Before...

Why do I keep passing out? I think the stress is really getting to me.

"Tomoe," said a gentle voice. I've heard that voice before, actually it's been a long time since I've heard it. What's going on? Wait...why can I smell rice cake? Red bean paste as well? Is that Sasamochi?

"Tomoe, wake up. You are safe now."

Those words. No. It couldn't be.

My eyes shot open and in front of me was a plate of Sasamochi and a glass of water. My head snapped up and now I was looking at a smiley old friend. Helper. Protector. Family. Master.

It was Mikage.

My face started to slack. I could feel the colour draining from my face as I stared at the man who has given me hell for the past twenty goddamn years. I just froze up. Anger started to consume me.

All the anger. All the hate. All the pain. It was coming back to me. I stood up calmly and hissed coldly, "What the hell are you doing, Mikage?"

Mikage chuckled and stood next to me, putting his warm hand on my shoulder. "Same old Tomoe, eh? I've certainly missed you, Tomoe."

My hand smacked off Mikage's hand. "Then why the hell didn't you come back?" I growled darkly as I could feel my normal, tranquil demeanour starting to change quite suddenly.

The Fangirl In Kamisama Kiss?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora