Chapter 31: The Forest Life

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Tomoe's POV
3 Days Before...

"You've been having a lot of dreams about me lately, haven't you, fox-boy?" Giggled a familiar voice. Where was I? And who's voice was that? I couldn't see a thing as my eyes were closed. Darkness was all I could see. How strange.

"Ah, it's only been a few days and you still don't recognize my voice. Hehe, but don't worry, you're still dreaming but you're gonna wake up real soon so that's why you can't see me," explained the voice with a cheery tone.

I've heard that voice before, actually I've heard that voice quite a lot lately, who is it?


Oh, now I know who it is.

Only one person calls me that.

And that's when I had an epiphany.

Silence surrounded me and the voice. I then heard a bored, long sigh which was followed by the pitter, patter of footsteps approaching me.

"Look, Tomoe, I'm really worried about you. But why did you leave? Did I upset you or something?"

What? I didn't leave because of her! She wasn't the one who upset me!

My lips remained shut and I stayed silent.

On the other hand, I couldn't tell her or else she would come and look for me herself.

But this was a dream, right?

"So you're ignoring me? Great. Childish as ever, but if you think I'm going to come and find your sorry ass then you're more wronger than wrong! You're in a fricking dream, I'm just a figurement of your imagination, apparently. But why should I help you when you hurt me by not having the guts to come to me when you needed help, we made a promise!"

She was right. We promised each other that we'd look after each other, yet I ran away from her when I actually needed her the most.

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO COME TO ME!" Shouted a now angry girl as she stomped her way around me.

I'm such an idiot.


I'm so sorry Brooke.

I tried to open my mouth but I physically couldn't. Was my lips stuck or sown together or something!?

Brooklyn muttered something under her breath and chuckled quietly to herself. "Okay, listen to me and listen to me good, I care about you, and I know you care about me too, but right now you're not doing a good job and I've only got little time left here in this world...BUT IT'S NOT LIKE I'M DYING OR ANYTHING! But I'm's hard to explain."

A small hand stroked back my ears and hair softly.

"I'm gonna go now. Please be careful and come back soon, I miss you terribly, and I know it sounds unrealistic, especially coming from me, but as much as me and my real-self hate to deny we do miss you. Now be safe and go kick some ass, you badass fox."

Then I felt a pair of warm lips on my cheek and like that she was gone. 

~ • ~

The sunlight awoke me from my slumber as I felt it's radiance make contact with my face. I slowly opened one of my eyes and was suddenly hit by the sun's beaming light ray.

"Stupid sunlight and its god," I murmured quietly as I stretched and arose up from the uncomfortable, hard place I was in. Where the hell am I? One minute ago I was on my way to somewhere and now I've ended up nowhere. I looked around at the area I was in and rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Oh, I wasn't dreaming.

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