Owen will fly a helicopter

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Sure Owen did miss Delta,Echo, Blue,and Charlie. Owen misses them all. The events in Jurassic World had left it's mark on those who survived it and experienced first hand what happened thanks to the Indominus Rex. Charlie had blue across both sides of his face,Delta is more of a dark-green,Echo is more of a orange tinted Velociraptor,and Blue had blue markings starting behind his eyes ending at the tail. Owen misses Jurassic World in so many ways.

So Claire had not been surprised what Owen would do.

Well, the reason to why is she not surprised has not happened yet.

"Owen, where are you going?" Claire asks, at the table raising a brow.

"Jurassic World," Owen said, putting on a vest over his green buttoned shirt.

Owen's black pants complimented his green shirt.

"But it is restricted territory," Claire said, her eyes widening. "Very restricted!"

"Starting today, it is not restricted to me," Owen said. "And I have the flight license to prove it."

Claire gets up, in her pink robe,from the table picking up a coffee mug.

"Are you going back to Jurassic World?" Claire asks.

"Uh huh," Owen said, going up the stairs.

"Without back up?" Claire asks.

"Without back up," Owen said.

"Owen, that is dangerous!" Clare said, over-dramatically.

Owen snickers.

"Not dangerous as going with you to the zoo," Owen said. "And going to the park, to the fair, to Australia..."

"Those Kangaroo's were ferocious," Claire interjects.

Owen has a laugh.

"They were quite friendly if you had not flashed cameras in their face,Claire," Owen said as he and Claire disappear behind the wall with the staircase.

"You said that about the Pterodactyls," Claire reminds Owen.

"The Indominus scared them," Owen said. "You are petrified about birds, funny how that is also a word capable of becoming the name Petrie."

"Hahaa," Claire said. "Very funny. Not."

Owen and Claire share a argument that is not overheard during their walk up the stairs nor seen visibly arguing at all. 10 minutes pass during their argument to which we transfer our scene to the roof top. At the rooftop is a stationed blue and white helicopter branded 'Jurassic-Dart-Copter' in bright orange-yellow text. The door to a small building set on the rooftop slides open. Owen goes out through the door holding a dark dart gun capable of knocking out a fully grown dinosaur for at least a day. Somehow Claire(within the time span of10 minutes) had changed her attire from PJ's to casual ever day clothing.

Claire's hair is not fuzzy as it was earlier.

In fact it is quite savvy.

And she does not have a coffee mug.

"If you are going, then I am going!" Claire declares.

"I don't know if you prefer to run around in stiletto's from wild dinosaurs," Owen said, gesturing over to Claire's fluffy pink high heels. "Again."

"Last time I did well in high heels," Claire said.

"Claire, I will be the only one with a dart," Owen said.

"I can hold the ammunition," Claire said.

Owen raises a brow.

"In high heels?" Owen asks.

"I have done much worse with high heels," Claire said. Owen's eyebrow lowered. "I ruined your car with them!"

Owen gasps.

"...You ruined Jessie?" Owen asks, horrified.

Claire rolls an eye.

"Why yes," Claire said. "I did."

"And here I thought it was car keys," Owen said.

"There is a difference between high heels and keys," Claire said.

"Does our three year old know you messed up the Cat Mobile?" Owen said.

"Yes," Claire said.

"Claire, you ruined Johnny's precious!" Owen said.

"That car is not a living animal," Claire said.

"To me and Johnny, she was," Owen said. "That's it, you just lost clearance to the Dart-Copter!"

"I bought it," Claire said. "So I have not."

"Only one of us knows how to fly," Owen reminds Claire. "No offense; but you land in the park, always."

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