She did what?

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...John Hammond's bedroom..

...Sometime in the morning...

"How many lunatics are on this team?" Ian asks, with a frown.

"Six,"  Hammond said.

"Six?" Ian said. "You should have the national guard down there!"

Hammond hands Ian the folders.

"Exactly wrong," Hammond said, with a glint in his eyes. " Yes, the animals won't even know they're there. Very low impact. Strictly observation and documentation," Hammond goes to the computer set on the desk. "Our satellite infrareds show that the animals are FIERCELY territorial. The carnivores are isolated in the interior of the Island; so the team can stay on the outer rim," Ian puts down the folders on a neighboring counter.  "I am not making the same mistakes again."

"No," Ian said, rubbing the side of his temples. "You are making all new ones!" He puts his hands down to his side.  "Ah, John. So there's another Island with dinosaurs!" Ian shook his hands.  "No fences this time; and you want to send people in?" Ian taps his fingers together. "Very few people! On the ground! Right? And who are these four lunatics that your trying to con into this?

"Well, it wasn't easy," Hammond said. "I had to take my checkbook out," Ian rubs his forehead with a irritated sigh. "There is; Nick van Owen, a video documentarian; Eddie Carr, a field equipment specialist; we also have a paleontologist and a woman specializing in animal language," Hammond explains, and then he smiles. "And I hope you might be the sixth."

"I am sorry, but no," Ian said.

"But you get to see what InGen could get rid of," Hammond said. "The British family and their little girl have disturbed what should have been left untouched."

"A girl?" Ian asks,horrified.

"The compies got to her but she is all right," Hammond said, picking up five thick files. "With that incident I have lost control because of the board."

"You want help?" Ian asks. "Then stop sending people to die."

Hammond sighs.

"That is not what I  intend," Hammond said, handing Ian one file. "This time is different, Ian," Hammond shook his free hand lightly. "And now it's only a matter of time before this "Lost World" is found and pillaged!" Hammond hands another file to Ian tucking one under his arm. "Public opinion is the one thing that I can use to preserve it!" He hands the other file to Ian and then another file. "But, in order to rally that kind of support, I need a complete photo record of those animals." Hammond makes way to the bed. "Alive and in their natural habitat!"

"So, you went from Capitalist to Naturalist in just four years," Ian said, in disbelief.  "That's, that's something!"

Hammond sits on the bed, waving Ian over.

"It is our last chance at redemption," Hammond said.

"I'm going to contact every member of your team and stop them from going," Ian said, turning towards the desk.  "You didn't mention the name of the paleontologist," Ian flips through the files searching for the number. "Who did you get?

Hammond has a guilty look as he sat into the bed.

"She came to me, just for your information," Hammond said. "I want you to know this!"

Ian freezes putting down the file.

"Who did?" Ian ask, turning towards Hammond.

"I want it to be clear who approached whom, or, at least who called whom," Hammond said.

"No," Ian said, dropping the files on the counter. "You didn't."

"Leave it to you Ian, to have associations, affiliations, even liaisons with the best people in so many fields," Hammond said. 

"You didn't bring Sarah into this!" Ian said, furious. "Forget it! Get someone else!"

"There is no one else!" Hammond said. "Paleontological behavior study is a brand new field, and Sarah Harding is on the frontier. Her theories on parenting and nurturing among carnivores have framed the debate for the last five years, who else could have - -" Hammond stops seeing Ian pick up the phone.  "What are you doing?"

"Calling Sarah," Ian said.

"Too late," Hammond said. "She is already there," Ian turns around holding the phone. "The others will be meeting her there in 3 days."

"You sent her there alone?" Ian said, in a pained whisper putting down the phone.

"Sent, is hardly the word! She couldn't be restrained! She was already working in San Diego doing some research at the Animal Park. It's only a couple of hours flight from there. And she was adamant! Absolutely adamant about making the initial foray by herself!" Hammond explains, with a laugh. "Thinks she's Diane Fossey! 'Observation without interference', she said, going on and on; well, you know how it is! After you were injured in the Park, she sought you out," Hammond puts his hands on the aged amber fossil attached to his prized stick. "And then she went all the way down to that hospital in Costa Rica to ask somebody who she didn't even know if the rumors were true."

Ian recalls how Sarah had pestered him about where he was after leaving the island.

"She's a firebrand once she's engaged on a subject," Hammond goes on. "How could I refuse her the chance to complete her life's work?"

Ian frowns.

"Well, number 1; told how how dangerous it is," Ian said."2; called me about it. 3; Reconsidered about letting her go. And who is this dinosaur language-atholist?"

"You should know her," Hammond said.

"Ivy?" Ian said, in much shock.

"Sarah refused to go without Ivy," Hammond said.  "She needs her dino-guide."

Ian's eyes went wide.

"But Ivy has never been there!"  Ian said.

"Maybe she has, in the future and this trip is just a revisit," Hammond said.

Ian sighs.

"Ah, If you want to leave your name on something, fine!" Ian said, going to the doorless frame with his hands in his pockets.  "But, STOP putting it on other people's headstones, John!"

"Oh, she'll be fine!" Hammond reassures Ian.  "Sarah has spent years studying African predators. You know, sleeping down wind, and all. She knows what she'd doing! With Ivy she can get a team of friendly dinosaurs. Those stories Ivy has told me are quite reliable," Ian stops at the doorless frame. "And believe me the Research Team will..."

Ian turns around towards Hammond holding his index finger up.

"This is not a expedition anymore," Ian said. "It is a rescue operation, and it is leaving today!"

Ian turns around then went out the door.

Hammond counts his fingers and then looks back up with a smile holding  up six fingers.

The islands are in perfect hands, Hammond thought, Just with the people I can count on.

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