Mary, eat a frozen rat

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I skip all the way to Mary's room. Of curse I remember the  directions to take into the room Mary is kept in. How many floors does the visitors building has,anyway? Ten,twenty, thirty-two? I wonder what fandom name is behind Jurassic Park. Parkie? Nah, the Jurassic Park Franchise is well known to go off the island.  Park Attendant? No, no, no that sounds like a flight attendant!  Jurassicie? Oooh, that sounds perfect.


Singular for a fangirl/fanboy of the Jurassic Park Franchise.


Plural for many fans of the Jurassic Park Franchise.

Bouncy,bouncy, bouncy goes my right metal foot creaking against the hard floor.  I skip all the way down the hall echoing metal clicks. Well that is until I slipped on the recently mopped floor which ensued landing on my face. Ow, that hurts a little. I use the neighboring wall as my support to get back up on my two feet rubbing the side of my cheek. One doorway leads to the room lacking eggs (And people), the second doorway leads to a lunch room, the third doorway leads to a waiting room,the fourth doorway leads to the restrooms, and the fifth doorway leads to the Dino-Wing lacking a human.

Side note; I entered the Dino-Wing.

Why the hell am I thinking of Dinotopia because of this Dinosaur named location?

I enter the Dino-Wing hearing soft low none-interrupted snores that belong to Mary.

"Maaaarry," I sang.

Mary continues merrily snoring.

"Marieee," I sang, again.

I get a frozen rat out of the freezer then dangle it in the way of her nose. Mary's eyes snap open then she darts her head forwards snapping open her jaw. I jerk back my arm right in the nick of time that my right hand is spared. Mary's orange-pink forehead markings are rather unique to the point it cannot be thoroughly described in literature. I never seen such a wild look before from an animal humanized in a unique way on the silver screen. Oh wait; I have. Numerous times in fact, specifically the Tyrannosaurus Rex parents protecting their young one.

Deadly but fascinating.

Mary gasps.

"Did I really?..." Mary said.

"Yes," I said.

"Oh my Nublar!"  Mary exclaims. "I am so, so, sorry!" Mary groans setting herself upright  sitting on the metal bed. "My side is sore."

"Eat," I said.

I toss the frozen rat to Mary.

"Food!" Mary squeals

Mary chomps on the frozen rat then she licks her reptile like lips.

"Is there more where that came from?" Mary asks, tilting her head.

I open the freezer.

"Sure is," I said, putting my cheeseburger and napkins on the counter.  I pull out the tray then put it  on the table beside the Dino-Bed. "Eat up."

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