Disembarking the island

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Hammond had some help getting Ian into the car from Josh.  I knew after Hammond had made a second call the ending to Jurassic Park will be commencing in a few short minutes. I am in the backseat buckled up with my elbow near the window screen. I feel lousy, lazy, and rather excited all at once. I tap my two feet together excitedly feeling a smile come across my face.

Happy go lucky, go figure.

"Hold on," Josh said.

"To what?" I ask.

"Your seatbelt," Josh said.

Josh drove quickly out of the garage following after Hammond. Hammond has a brief stop at the door to the Jurassic Park Visitor center. I let out a fangirl squeal  finding myself wanting to hop up and down repeatedly then faint on the sidewalk. Grant,Ellie, Alexis, and Tim came running out of the doors where came out  a mighty tyrannosaurus Rex roar.

"After careful consideration," Grant said, getting into the passenger seat in the first car. "I have decided not to endorse your island."

"So have I," Hammond said.

Hammond drove off.

Josh followed after Hammond.

The loud squeal to a Velociraptor shot out. I look over my shoulder seeing the pair of Velociraptors headed right after us! Oh slag that was so not in the movies,I realize right then.  Hammond speeds up leaving Josh and I in the fragging dust. The first Velociraptor hops into the back showing out all of the numerous teeth aligned to the jaw. Fun fact in the Wales a relative of the Velociraptors was discovered that had a snout like a lizard, hunted insects, and the bones were all found in a cliff that fell apart. These bones are currently resting in a museum. I cannot remember where exactly in the Wales it had been found but the sketch picture of the Velociraptor relative is memorable.

I recognized Tanly.

"Food!" Tanly squeals.

"Get off, get off!" I shout, kicking at Tanly's snout.

Tanly snarls.

"Why you little--" Tanly said, however he doesn't get to finish it as Carver pounces on Tanly sending the two crashing into the pond.

Velociraptors love to attack each other. Remember the second movie where the Velociraptors were attacking each other instead of attacking Sarah Hardings? Well, she had made the orange Velociraptor land on the blue Velociraptor so we can understand how a Velociraptor is not pleased by being the landing cushion for another one of its kind.  I wonder where Faline is. That, my friend, is when Faline hops into the driver side of the car.

It was all in slow motion.

Josh turns his head towards Faline.

Feline had her mouth open wide.

Then Josh brazeningly takes out a handgun and shot at Faline's mouth. Faline flung her head to the side screaming bloody mary in dire pain. Her claws made cuts on Josh's face. Unbuckle!, I thought pressing the seatbelt,  Action scene is about to commence! Dun dun dun duh! Think of a trumpet being sounded off.  The back end is tilted up by a spiky tail sending me flying forwards waving my arms attempting to fly.


One; there's a bloody Stegosaurus attacking the jeep.

I crash land on to the ground in the grass rolling until a tree stump stopped me.

"Mommy!" Chon shouts. "Human is being hurt!"

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