Nightmare of the island

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...January 1st..1997...

...One cool warm  Wednesday night ...

I have  been experiencing  the same nightmare for a week.

What is my nightmare? You may ask.

I am running through the forest looking over my shoulder every so often. My shoes smack against the ground floor slipping on the fresh wet dirt. I let out a scream looking over my shoulder to see a blood soaked Velociraptor ganging up on me. I manage to get  up on my two feet  once again feelings sweat drip down my skin. I had both human legs fleeing in the forest.  I tore down lowered branches in my path looking in various directions.

"Ivy!" I hear Josh's voice.

"Josh!" I shout, running  towards the sound of his voice. 

"Ivy!" I hear Josh, once more.

"I am coming!" I shout. "Mr whiny pants!"

"Help!" Josh cries, and then there is a sharp high pitch yelp.



"JOSH!" I shout.

I trip over  a log landing on  a pile of leaves.  I look up seeing a skull where there came out a manly scream pleading for help. My eyes may have widen at  that point. My hands tremble through the pile of leaves all left in a complete wet circle feeling yucky to my palms. The darkness is lit up by the moonlight pouring through the atmosphere in between the vast tree leaves. The dark sockets are pouring blood down to the side of the bony cheeks.

"Ahh!" I scream.

I lunge forwards scared to my wits in the tent that is heavily insulated.  I put my head back down on the pillow. Living with Sarah Hardings is definitely more awesome than living with Ian Malcom,Kelly Malcom, Jake Malcom, and Lawrence Malcom.  I can feel a strange call in the wind brushing along my ears. I put my right foot into a big boot, roll down my pant cuff down to the metal ankle, zip open the tent, then trunch on out the the tent pulling down my long sleeves. Sarah and I are in Africa studying the very rare white lion.

I look up towards the night lit sky.

A week of nightmares about Dinosaurs.

I think there is a return due in a couple days.

Brace yourself, I thought, For these nightmares will end.

"Mrawr," Came a lion cub.

No, my Dino-powers do not extend to typical every day animals. I look forwards seeing a lion cub coming towards me. Damn it, so much for being the motherly figure. I can attract toddlers and other young animals because of my attitude/atmosphere or so I am told. Babies even like me when I to make sure they are fine/get what they want/and help them.  Ian sometimes asks me (when babysitting Lawrence and Jake) 'Were you a babysitter in the future?' and my reply usually is 'Nope,I am just really good at being helpful and tolerating movies.'

"Go to Momma," I said, attempting to shoo the animal away.

"Mrawr," The lion cub comes forward stumbling in its own path.

I pick up a slab of meat then toss it into the vast amount of grass.

The little lion goes after the slab of meat.

"Can't sleep?" Sarah asks.

I look over towards Sarah.

"Yeah," I said, with a short laugh. "Can't."

"You know you can tell me about your nightmares,"

"It is way too scary," I said.

"I have lived with much scarier beasts," Sarah muses. "What makes you think I am easily scared?"

I am silent.

"Ivy," Sara said. "I am not a coward."

"Running through a forest, looking over your shoulder to see a Velociraptor head coated blood, and running in the same direction up until you hear a scream is scarier than hell," I finally said. "A scream that belongs to a long dead guy.  I trip over a log then land on the ground floor where I lift my head up and see a skull dripping blood in the dead of night. The sound of monkeys was creepy," I look down towards the lion. "And for once I was alone. I could not understand Dinosaur."

"You never talk about what happened back there,"

"Ian talks about it," I said.

"What happened after you were bitten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex is unknown," Sarah said.

I sigh.

"Four years," I said. "And the image of Josh's dead body hasn't left me."

"Survivors guilt," Sarah said.

"He shoulda' lived," I said. "For another day at least."

"Tell me your experience on the island," Sarah said.

"I can't," I said.

"Why?" Sarah asks, concerned.

"I am a time traveler, Sarah," I said. "My story starts backwards."

"I can recite the alphabet backwards," Sarah said.

"That is not what I meant," I said. "Best I do not explain."

"We are going back to San Diego," Sarah said.

My eyes could have shined at that moment.

"Zoo!" I said.

"Yes, the zoo," Sarah said.

"Wee!" I cheer, throwing my arms into the air excitedly.

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