On Island Sorna

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...January 6th, 1997...(A Monday)

..Island Sorna...

"How long has it been since you last encountered a Velociraptor?" Sarah asks.

"Four years," I said, looking around the scenery hearing twigs crack under my shores.

Sarah put her arm in my way stopping in her tracks.

"Stop," Sarah said, as I stop in my tracks. "I see one."

I lean over seeing apparently a odd checkered themed Velociraptor.

"It is Toon!" I said, excitedly. "Hey Toon!"

"Ivy, we are here to observe," Sarah reminds me, frozen in fear.

"Momma?" Toon said, raising his head up my direction slightly tilting his head.

"He is my friend," I said. "From Island Nublar."

Toon darts after a red light kind of like a cat landing into a bush.

"Who's up there?" Sarah asks,as we hear a male laughter.

"Me," Came a familiar voice up above.

My heart had a tinge.

"Josh?" I said.

A rather short man came down from the trees.

"Nope, I am Lenny Lakeman," Lenny said. "Josh is my twin."

Lenny is really identical to Josh.

Makes sense that they are twins. Except Lenny is not wearing a pink shirt. Lenny wears a short sleeve plaid polo with a cowboy hat, he had on long pants tucked in around his navy like boots tied up pretty neatly, and a unique kind of watch wrapped around his left wrist. Lenny has dirty blonde hair that is all in a mess and he wears clear lenses to the glasses. Yes, Lenny wears glasses unlike Josh.

"Velociraptors are not cats," Sarah said, as Lenny aims the red light through the jungle.

Sarah grabs the red pointer out of Lenny's hand.

"Aw, you are breaking my heart," Lenny said, sarcastically. I notice his hands are covered in dirt. "I got here last night."

"So?" Sarah asks.

"Been revisiting the old stomping grounds," Lenny said. "And I have been bored waiting for you."

Sarah and I stare at Lenny.

"...Old stomping grounds?" Sarah asks.

Lenny is able to snatch the red laser pointer from Sarah.

"Yeah!" Lenny said. "Me and my 'bro practically grew up here...Well sort of, we went here on our spare time before InGen bought it out..." He had a poker face. "Before the islands were turned into Dino Islands."

"Hammond didn't tell me about you," Sarah said.

Lenny sighs, shaking his head with a short laugh.

"Oh, I am a surprise land guide," Lenny said, turning his head towards our direction.

"Do you ride Triceratops?" I ask.

"No!" Lenny said. "I am not that bold as my brother when it comes to those thorny rhinos."

"How come Hammond did not tell me about you?" Sarah asks.

"Most people forget about me," Lenny said. "Common thing for me."

Lenny uses the red laser to point it at the tree where Toon lunges at striking his forehead.

"Ow," Toon whimpers, getting back up. "Must..." He stares after the red light wagging his long lizard tail. "Get...red....ball!"

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