The nightly T-Rex chase

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...9:49 PM...

...Island Sorna...

Dieter did not die at all during the long walk. I managed to fall asleep out of men distance by twisting and turning attempting to get down the right comfortable position. I don't know how long it took for me to finally sleep but it finally worked. I was wrapped up in numerous leaves using a big bone as my pillow along with a gigantic piece of fern to make the wooden pillow even softer. My face is tilted up towards the sky, my right hand is placed on my chest and the other hand is on the field of grass.

I heard screaming.

One of which sounded like a man with a womanly voice in a language that might be Spanish.

I remember back in 2011 when my grandparent walked into the glass door and so that resulted in me waking up laughing.  It is a memorable moment I recall. I can still give myself a chuckle over it among numerous things that enter my mind daily. I had lured myself to sleep this time by thinking up random plot stories.

Come on eyes; open!, I thought hearing panicked voices.

I hear feet stampede right past me.

And then the roar of a Tyrannosaurus Rex jolted my eyes open.

"Shit, shit, shit." I repeated, getting up on my wobbly two feet.

The doe T-Rex grunted chasing after the running men.

"You will all die!" The doe T-Rex shouted.

And then I screamed so loud I couldn't believe it was coming from me. I turned around then fled on foot  falling on my knees, scrambling back up, frightened for my dear safety. My prosthetic left foot somehow disconnected. I knew that because one, I stumbled to the ground stabbing my foot into the wet ground then  had a random guy help me back up and he then ditched me shortly there after. So I hopped and hopped  feeling the rain beat down on my skin. My heart was racing damn it! I was afraid. I looked over seeing mommy T-Rex running after me with my prosthetic left foot easily under between his clawed toes.

"Can't you stop and die right now?" The doe T-Rex demanded, furiously.

I saw the coward who had made everyone wake be crushed by one of the daddy T-Rex's feet. I could have laughed at how irritated the mommy T-Rex but I was so scared.  I somehow, with my great survival skills,managed to get into the cave. Nobody noticed how afraid and how left-foot less I was as I pressed my back against the wall. I could hear the screams of  other men from behind the falling water covering the cave.

I saw a snake slithering on the wall.

Oh goody, Burke is going to run out screaming.

"AH, SNAKE!" Burke screamed  stepping back from the wall flailing his arms stepping back.

"Burke!" Nick shouted. "Come back!"

"Fooood." The doe Rex said, her mouth in the cave.

Burke  screamed as he was dragged out of the cave and then blood poured down shortly after his final scream. I felt sick. Really sick. I closed my eye trying to cast out the image. I heard Nick say, "It's coming back!" but I knew. I knew. I knew it wasn't a  Tyrannosaurus Rex. I heard the water stop briefly and then a gasp.

It was Ian.

"Dad!"  Kelly shouted.

Kelly and Ian embraced into a hug (I didn't need to see it  because that reunion scene happens inthe movie) then I heard a "Thank you." from Ian.

I really wanted to fall face first into the ground and wake up watching Jurassic World.

I just wish it wasn't real.

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