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"What happened to your foot?" Ian asks, staring at my metal left foot.

"Tyrannosaurus," I said.

I can see a faint look of pity on Ian's face.

"Glad my leg was spared," Ian said.

"What about yours?" I ask.

"The T-Rex bite into my leg then dropped me when charging into the bamboo restroom building," Ian said.

"You are so lucky you can't speak Dino-language," I said.

"Dino-Language?" Ian asks.

"That is what I call my gift." I said,with a nod.

Hammond laughs shaking his head amused.

"I forgot to mention she is not of this world," Hammond said.

"I am of  this world but technically not," I said.

Ian is flabbergasted.

I learned the word flabbergasted from a TV show on Nick Junior called Pinky Dinky Doo.

"I am a Chaos Scientist and I do not understand," Ian said. 

"She is from the future," Hammond said.

"Oh, that explains it," Ian said. "What is the future like?"

"Cool, same old same old, lots of fighting, hilarious TV show called The Big Bang Theory, African American President,Transformers," I list. "And noooo flying cars."

"No flying cars?" Ian said, in much shock.

"Yes,"  I said.

"But they said in 2013 we would have flying cars," Ian said.

"They lied," I said. "We are still lagging behind in terms of levitating cars able to move on their own."

"That is a sad future," Ian said.

"The Big Bang Theory  isn't," I said. "It is a Television show."

"What is it about?" Ian asks.

"Nerdy Scientists," I said.

Ellie had left earlier with Grant. I believe this part of my travel in the past is coming to a close yet it is just beginning in a unique way. I wonder how I will be able to live in a future which is the past until 1997 then to 2017 and live there. I admit this is a gift I can never repay. Muldoon is dead, so is Arnolds,Gennaro, and the nerdy tech guy I can't seem to recall his name. My mind wonders off to the far reaches of fanfiction.

For example; what if there was a Thor/Terminator crossover where Loki met up with T-800?

At least I have something to look forward to in 2017.

New Terminator movies!

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