The 5 minute break

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..12:00  PM...

...Island Sorna...

Roland stops.

"Take a break," Roland said. "Five minutes."

Roland has probably spotted the blood left on the leaves from Sarah's jacket. I sat down on a piece of log.

"What time is it?" Dieter asks.

"Time you get a watch," Eddie said.

"It is 12:00 PM," Nick said.

"Don't go near the creek!" I said.

Dieter shot me a glare.

"You injured?" Roland asks Sarah, coming to her side.

"Huh?" Sarah asks. She looks down to the side of her jacket. "Oh, no, that is from the baby. I set the baby's broken leg...Apparently the blood is not drying well in the humidity."

Ludlow came over to Roland.

"Roland," Ludlow said. "A word, please."

I look over seeing Dieter behind a large tree close by. He hadn't gone down the ill fated path in the movie. Oh great, I thought, I have ruined the freaking timeline! Hell is going to be unleashed for my mistake!  I lower my head putting my hands through my hair. Stupid girl! You shoulda' not told Dieter what happens!

What I had done?


I am the most idiotic Jurassicie in the history of fandoms.

One; spoiling the death of a guy.

Two; being there for the events of The Lost World.

Three; being on Island Sorna in the first place.

Four; being vague about the future.

Man, do I really wish I could get struck by a bolt of thunder from Thor for my conduct!

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