The back up plan

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...Right outside Ludow's camp...

We are peering over a fern covered hill side towards the camp below where workers move from their tents. Sarah slowly walks over to Ian as her eyes still transfixed down on the camp. Ian reaches up and gestures Sarah to sit down beside him. Sarah crouches down. Eddie peers through a scope, while Nick looks through a large pair of large binoculars, at the well-lit camp. Nick lowers his binoculars, but continues to look down towards the camping site. Ian and Kelly lie side by side on the hillside, peering.

Eddie looks off towards me from the scope raising a brow.

"Don't you need to be sleeping to straighten your neck out?" Eddie asks.

I meekly shrug.

"I'll live," I said.

"No wonder Hammond was in a hurry to get us here," Ian said. "He knew they were coming."

I have full control over myself not to fangirl.

I just have a major problem fangirling over Terminators.

"My God, they are well organized," Eddie remarks, shaking his head lightly. "Those are some major league toys."

"Did you know about Lenny Lakeman?" I ask.

"No," Came a reply from most of the men.

"Why?" Ian asks.

"Lenny just might prove himself useful after this," I said.

"Who is Lenny Lakeman?"  Ian asks, in a whisper.

"The forgotten man," Sarah said.

"A guy who likes hiking," I said.

"Do not!"  Lenny whispers.

We look over seeing Lenny.

"Josh liked hiking," Lenny said, in a low voice. "I like climbing."

"Where the hell have you been?" I ask.

"Living," Lenny said. "And watching those bastards cage up those cute little compys."

"Mind your language," Ian said, covering Kelly's ears.

"I have heard worse," Kelly said.

"So have I," I said. "But more of read worse,really..."

"Did you just get here?" Sarah asks, in a whisper.

Lenny pauses.

"No..." Lenny said, but then changed his answer.  Ian uncovers Kelly's ears. "Yes," He rubs the back of his neck. "I can prove myself useful just like the Dino-Whisperer said."

"Eddie, maybe I should ask to use their phone," Ian suggests.  Lenny sighs probably relaxed their attention is off him. "Their dish is bigger that yours."

"Haahaha, no," Eddie said. "We won't get along with these fellows."

I snicker

"Nobody gets along with men like them," I said, looking over my shoulder painfully. I saw that Lenny had vanished. I manage to turn my  head correctly against the curly comfortable neck pillow. "Not even the dinosaurs."

"So they actually want to build another park here," Kelly said. "After what happened on the other island?"

Ian frowns.

"They're not building anything," Ian said. "They're taking these animals outta here...Back to the mainland."

A soft roaring is heard. It sounds like a Tyrannosaurus Rex that I faintly understand. It sounds more like a mother Tyrannosaurus Rex calling for her young one. Sarah looks up with a tinge of worry on her face. I am able to see her expression because of my partially tilted head had one eye facing the other direction partially able to see what is going on to the left. A soft breeze blows rustling the tree leaves right behind us.

"Their idea is bad," Kelly said. "Those poor Dinosaurs are gonna be scared."

"That's how the Indians felt when brought from their tribes to our nation,"  Ian said, bitterly. "As slaves."

"Uh, I think I should tell you guys," Nick said, drawing our attention. "Hammond told me these people might show up." Nick takes out something from his leather bag that is not just something. "I thought we'd be finished by the time they got started, but, in casethey weren't, he did send a backup plan."

Sarah raises a eyebrow.

"What back up plan?" Sarah asks.

Nick takes it out into the light revealing it's a pair of  red-handled bolt cutters.

"Me," Nick said.

Nick takes the handles off of the bolt cutter and puts them, along with the tophalf, into his pocket.

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