Chapter 2

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I could not shake the interaction for the rest of the school day. My thoughts were completely confined by his reaction. Was it not yesterday that I stood naked in front of all his friends who forced me to take their humiliation butt-naked? Perhaps he didnt recognize me, that seemed like the only passable possibility.  My thoughts of Brett were finally disrupted during math as Mr.James introduced a new student. An eerie feeling draped over me during his introduction.

"This is Damon, everyone please be kind to our new student and answer any questions he may have."

The class stayed silent. Damon was dressed in black leather and covered in tattoos. He had  red flags written all over him. Damon seemed unimpressed and bored, he hurried to take his seat across the class from me. I could tell that he too was a wolf but from which pack? I would have remembered seeing him if he belonged to the Serenity Pack which all wolves in town did, apart from myself of course.
After school, I just managed to escape the wrath of the clique that homed Jessica and Stass. Brett was the center of their attention of course, yapping on about football practice and a party that he was having if he were to make team captain again this year. I snorted to myself. As if the coach could say no. He'd been the team captain for three years in a row.

I had work at the diner tonight until nine pm. I was mentally scheduling myself during the walk there, trying to fit homework after my shift and prayed that it was slow tonight so that I could do some of it during my shift. Perhaps it was my wolf instincts that were kicking in but I felt the odd feeling that I was being followed. I whipped around to take a look at my surroundings,there was nothing but roads and trees. I walked further and turned into an alleyway, I heard the sound of a motorcycle's engine. I walked further into the alley and used it as a backend to get to the diner, I must have been walking for ten minutes when I heard the motorcycle again.I spun around to witness the black vehicle just as it was disappearing. I could not make sense of the rider, only that it was a man, he had on a helmet and a thick leather jacket. I turned the corner and came face to face with the door for the diner, I hurried inside and watched from the window as the rider halted. He studied the diner for a moment and drove off.

Who the fuck was that?
Perhaps it was another one of the football team guys looking to taunt me some more. I hurried to forget as I walked past the empty restaurant and towards the back to get rid of my stuff. The diner was owned and run by mortals who could not despise me for my blood. It was my peace haven when it was empty, until pack members came in and reminded me that I was on thin ice. For now it was empty and so I greeted the cook  who proffered me a genuine smile.

"Hey there Anna-banana."

"Hi Bob."

Bob was short and stout, he must have been in his mid-forties and has been the cook for the diner for the past two decades. He had always been kind to me and for that I loved him. I used an empty bench to host my backpack and began to look for my agenda. Panic surfaced inside of me at the realization that I did not have it.
It was not in my locker, that I was sure of. I searched my memory for where I could have left it and it suddenly hit me.
Brett must have grabbed it by mistake when we ran into each other.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!


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