Chapter 28

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I sat up when I heard the echoing sounds of footsteps. I assumed it would be another tray of food. My stomach grumbled and I shifted closer to the window. When nothing happened, I opened the slit and peered outside.

Brett was standing outside of the door, he was looking out as if to make sure there were no witnesses.

"Didn't think I'd be seeing you," I mumbled and he jumped up. He crouched down and met my eyes.

"Why not?"

"How's Jessica?"

"Well, you haven't completely ruined her life, if that's what you're asking."

"I heard she may go blind."

"Only in one eye."

I chuckled," well, I guess she has you to thank for that."

"Alright enough, I have to be fast."

"Did you find Jeremy?"

"I'm going to come back tomorrow to let you out, alright?"

My eyes widened,""

"I know where my dad keeps the keys but I can't just steal them, I'll have to make a copy but it will take me until tomorrow."


Brett ignored me.

"But you need to calm your dog, alright? He keeps trying to come after you, the patrols have chased him out like twice. If he gets caught, then I can't help you-"

"Wait, what? Are you talking about Jeremy?"

His jaw stiffened," yes, the stupid mutt you were with."

"How the hell do you want me to tell him that if I'm inside?"

Brett reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell," I got his number from the school, talk to him-"

The phone rang for a few seconds but was never picked up.

"Shit," Brett swore," shit, shit, shit."

"Send him a text message, say it's for Jeremy from Clare, he'll know it's me."

Brett stared at me for a moment," are you sure?"

"Trust me."

There were new footsteps that hurried down the corridor.

"Sir, what are you doing down here?" I heard someone call out to Brett who hurried to stand up.

"I'm just making sure everything is fine with the prisoner," he cleared his throat first.

"Don't worry at all, Sir. She tried to kill your mate, she isn't going anywhere anytime soon."

"Uhh, yeah, keep up the good work."

" We'll make sure she burns for what she's done."

Brett looked back down at me. I could not read his sad eyes any further. He looked away and said,"good," and then he marched back down the murky hall and disappeared.

For the next day, I prayed that Jeremy would get the message and stay away. I could not begin to understand Brett's thinking. It was the logical thing to let me burn, to forget about me and begin his life with his chosen mate. I suppose that perhaps I forget, being mates is a two way street, what I feel for him, he feels for me.
Brett is incapable of letting me die, and so he was going to risk everything to help me escape.

And then what? We both missed the Red Moon, the next one might not be for months. What will be done until then? Neither of us can fake it for long, and we definitely could not be apart because we would risk losing our wolves.

I was on edge, wondering when Brett would finally come by. I asked myself a thousand questions, where would he release me if the woods were still patrolled, what about the guards that stood by the entrance, how would we get away from them?

At first, I thought that the new footsteps hurrying down the hall must be Bretts. I quickly realized that it was more than one person. I hurried to the door and flicked the little window. It was far too dark to make out the faces of the people, but I could tell that there were at least four or five of them.

"You're all a bunch of cowards! A bunch of no backbone cowards!"

"Shut it before I break your jaw too."

"If you are so tough, then take me outside. alone–wolf to wolf!"

'Shut the hell up, dirty fucking rogue-"

"Attacking me from behind like some snakes, was it six or seven of you? You're worse than rogues!"

"I can't wait to see you burn," the other chuckled at his comrades' comment.

I recognised who it was immediately that the guards were now shoving into the cell across from me.

They had finally captured Jeremy.

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