Chapter 23

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I had been stern on my decision to not get into the car with Brett, but my excuse was that the rain had turned into thunder and the trauma of Byward Alley was still so fresh on my mind and either way- Brett would have followed me until I was home. So I might as well have gotten in and dried up a little bit, after all it was still a very long walk.

"So you will stay with her then, even if you aren't really mates?" I asked him, without looking into his eyes.

"She's perfectly content with being my mate, she's too naive to question anything-"

"I think dumb as bricks is what you meant to say and yeah, i'll bet. Scoring the son of the alpha as your mate, not bad for a pencil with hair-"

"I chose her, it's too late."

"What do you mean it's too late?"

"You should get inside now, it's getting late."

Frustrated would not begin to express how I felt. I had one foot out of the car then I turned around to look at him.

"I found someone too, you know."

His eyes widened just the slightest.

"The man that was at Deadmans Cave, once I figure out this whole forfeiting your mate bullshit, I'm gonna do it."

He looked torn between heartbreak and fury. I could almost read his thoughts, perhaps it was the connection of being mates. Brett was thinking; I should have killed him.

He let me leave without uttering another word. I cried myself to sleep that night, but for some pathetic reason, I kept the window wide open.

The next morning was a weekend. I was pulling double shifts at the diner on both days, and to top it all, I had a pile of homework that had to be done from missing so much school. I gazed at the open window and felt ashamed, I promised myself to never sleep with it open again.

The laundry chair had begun to pile again slowly, I did not bother clearing it, I was far too drained although the money sock that Brett had given me lay by the leg and had reminded me that I never did count how much it was exactly.

I grabbed it and took hold of the hundreds inside and counted five of them.

Brett had given me five hundred dollars. It had taken me more than a year to save the money that I had before I shifted and he gave me double the amount back in just minutes.

All it cost you was losing your mate.

I would have chuckled at the dark irony but I felt a new strange numbness.

The weekend went by slowly and dreadfully. I often felt like I was a hot pot, melting within myself. I could not stir up the slightest of emotions. The reality was, now that I was a shifted werewolf that's found her mate, everyday that passed without him drained me more. I begged for Jeremy to return soon with answers. I had to forfeit Brett soon, or else I wasn't sure how I would survive.

Did he feel any of this at all? Or was I alone on this cloud of misery and pain.

It's not fair, I thought as I poured hot black coffee into the mug of a scowling customer; but when has life ever been fair for me?


I jumped up and gasped. I had overfilled the scorching coffee so that it had spilled onto the man," I'm sorry-"

"You bitch! Do you know who I am?"

I didn't.

"Have some napkins-"

"The council should have gotten rid of you a long time ago, you stupid rogue!"

I paused to stare at the man.

Overweight, bald, lazy.

The true opposite of what a werewolf should ever be. If the risk wasn't an early grave, I would have spat in his face.

"Again, I'm sorry," I mumbled,deciding that it wasn't worth anymore of my breath.

"Stupid mud blood, can't even pour coffee," I heard him mutter as I walked away.

Jeremy never showed up that weekend and neither did Brett. I felt lonelier than I had ever felt before. A part of me wished that they would have never come into my life, I never felt the misery of my lonesome until I was teased with the alternative. I spent most of my Monday chasing the vast variety of smaller wildlife that live in the woods. I shifted and swam in Deadwood Creek. I ate the snacks in my bag and thought about fleeing on my own. No Jeremy, no Brett, just me, myself and I how I'd always known it would be. I knew that no matter the decision, I'd much better my chances in the human world with a high school degree and so at exactly 2:30 pm I made my way to school. I was able to catch most of my teachers and convince them to email me the homework for the rest of the school week with a doctor's letter that I had forged in the girls washroom. I had successfully dodged running into any of the Serenity Pack Goblins, Brett and Jessica included. In the parking lot now, I headed towards the trees, eager to shift and return to harassing the small creatures amongst the trees. A hand on my wrist stopped and pulled me back. I whipped around, my fist in the air and ready to strike whomever it was.


I let out a relieved sigh and lowered my fist, cursing myself for letting him sneak up on me.

"How the hell are you so quiet?"

"Were you going to try and hit me there?"

He was grinning, and mocking. All signs that he was in a good mood.

Could good news follow?

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