Chapter 6

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"I don't have a car, and there's no buses that go to Peggy's Grove."
He didn't answer. He seemed like he was struggling against the tense air, trying to figure out his next words, eyes focused straight ahead of him. Me on the other hand was regretting ever getting into the car. We drove for a while in silence. We were headed the right way, could this really be just a ride? Was this the first and final act of kindness from none other than the son of the Serenity Pack's alpha. Would he kill me if I told?
Who would you tell, you idiot? You have no one.
It was hard being so close to someone so attractive. In my nearly eighteen years of life, I can't say that I have ever been around anyone that was nearly as breathtaking as Brett Serenity. We drove in silence until he finally said," so..." and than he cleared his throat and said," October 5th."

I felt my heart stop. So this was about that.

"What about it?"

He turned to look at me. I sucked in the air and turned to avoid his eyes.

"What are you going to do?"

I scrunched my eyebrows together in both confusion and disbelief.

"What else am I going to do besides die?"

He looked even more torn.

"Isn't there someone you know...or anyone who can help you?"

I could not believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. After his pack contributed to the entirety of my isolation and humiliation, he dared ask me if I had anyone?

"Like who? I'm a rogue, or did you forget?"

"There must be someone from your past that you can call-"

"They're all dead. And your pack did a great job making sure that I was constantly all alone!"

"I know, I'm sorry-"

"What do you even care? Do you prefer to do it yourself?"
I was livid now. We stared into each other's eyes, mine shining with a passion for fury while his bore massive guilt.

"What? No-"

"Is dying on my own too easy for you and your friends? Do you have something better planned for me?"

"Clarity, stop."

I only halted because he said my name. Once again, he remembered it and he said it. There was something else about the way he said it, it made me want to beg to hear it again.

"Let me out," I reached for the door handle but it was locked.

"Stop it, you'll kill yourself,"

"That's what you want isn't it!"

I struggled against the laver but I could not figure out how to unlock the door on a car as nice as this.
My eyes had begun to burn with tears. I failed to blink them away fast enough. They raced down my face and I turned red with shame.
Brett quickly noticed.

"I didn't mean to make you cry-" he raised a finger without a visible conscious will to wipe my tears from my cheek and I flinched away and backed into the passenger door. He halted the car at the sudden motion. I finally stopped fighting.

"I didn't mean to touch you," he began as I was saying," I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jump-"

I could not believe that Brett had touched me like that. I could not believe how comforting it was and how much I craved it again.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I won't touch you again. Just please stay. Let me drive you home."

Someone behind us blasted their horn and he  began to drive again.

"Fine," I finally gave up.

We drove in silence for a while.

"Where are you going to be?"

"When it happens?" I asked.


" Dead Man's Cave," I did not hesitate," it's the only place I really feel safe."

I could feel him resisting a glance at me. The air was far too thick. I needed to get out of the car, now. I wondered if he remembered the day they'd found me at Deadman's Cave and hid my clothes and laughed at me while I ran around naked looking for them.

My cheeks still stung from the aftermath of the hot tears. We were pulling up into my street now.

"It's the second house on the right."

I could see from a distance that both of my adoptive parents were outside. Mary had thrown something across the lawn at Thomas who swayed back and forth like he was drunk again.

"That house?" Brett seemed hesitant.

I nodded with visible embarrassment," yes."

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