Chapter 14

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I had given up on trying to get Brett's attention. I figured I'd corner him after class and he would have no choice but to acknowledge me. The bell rang and he got up fast enough to earn himself a few looks from the others. I struggled out of my seat and hurried to meet him. He was taking long strides as if trying to get away as fast as possible. I jogged to where he was and began to call out," Brett! Brett...just stop for a second!"

He halted when my shouts began to draw more attention. He did not turn around however and so I took my place in front of him. For a moment, he stared at me. His eyes traveled to examine my wounded face and then eventually my eyes.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I blurted it out before I could think. I guess at this very moment, that mattered more than him saving my life.

"Don't flatter yourself," he mumbled and it struck like a slap on my face. I felt my cheeks heat immediately.

I felt my eyebrows draw closer together in confusion," you saved my life."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm starting to think you have a twin," I blinked away tears. I hardly ever cried, it was only when I  was around him that I could not grasp a hold of my emotions. I reminded myself that it was just a crush and its attached tendencies.

"I see you survived the shift," he said as if he hadn't had anything to do with it," congratulations."

"Thanks to you, I would have died."

"Again, I have no clue what you're saying."

"Brett, stop. You were there, at Deadman's Cave. You saved me,  if it wasn't for you-"

"It wasn't for me," he hissed.

"Why are you saying that? You're the only one who knew I'd be there, the only person I told-"

"Clearly not. Your other friend was there, the man on the motorcycle."

"What are you talking about? What friend?"

"Listen, yes I was there, but only to make sure you didn't do any damage to the land or hurt anyone you weren't supposed to."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't care."

"What about the hotel? And my wounds? That was you too, wasn't it?"

Brett clenched his jaw. He neared my face with eyes that stored fury," no one will ever believe you."

I was taken back. I hadn't expected for those to be the words that came out of his mouth

"I wasn't gonna...."

Brett pushed past my shoulders, sending me stumbling backwards and stormed off.

Brett's POV

I could not handle staying until the end of the school day. Ever since Clarity's shift, I hadn't been able to eat, let alone endure classes with sanity. I was driving myself crazy, my thoughts cornered me, I could not avoid the topic of her. Part of me wished that I had let her die, the other part of me, the wolf that lived in my head was relieved. In some ways, the idea of her death had weakened me. On the morning of October sixth, I wasn't able to find the strength to shift. My worry had consumed me subconsciously, I knew I had to save her or it would kill me. There was a man that was already there when I had arrived at Deadman's Cave, a rogue that I did not recognize. I chased him off because my wolf had identified him as a threat, only arriving back just in time to haul Clarity's drowning body out of the lake. Had I been a few seconds late, she would have been long gone.

She was right about it all. I chased her around the forest all night to make sure that she was safe. By the time that she had  finally collapsed, she was bleeding to death. She had managed to stab herself multiple times, I treated and covered her wounds. I took her to a lone healer that belonged to no pack. An old friend of my grandmothers who did everything you needed without question. When I was sure that she was alright, I checked her into a hotel and left her there. When I got the call that they would be charging my credit card for a stolen bathrobe, I only felt joy that she must have been alright.

What does it matter? None of it did, not when my father was still set on killing her. He blamed her for the death of the human man from last week. I should have let her die, it would have been much less painful.

When I was at home, I ransacked my father's library in search of a title that I had sworn I had come across a few years back. I caught the silver leather of the book hidden amongst hundreds of others and pulled it out.

Forfeiting your Mate, by Robert Moretti;  Red Moon Pack.

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