Chapter 27

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There was a shift, or more like a crumbling sensation inside of me. Perhaps it was the Blood Moon that casted the scene with a shadow of red light, or the fury that my wolf felt to witness our mate getting ready to commit to someone else, but a bold growl escaped from my mouth. Jeremy jumped up and stared at me. He seemed to quickly understand what was going on.

"We need to get you out of here before you lose control."

The scene was so picture perfect. It was everything that Brett was supposed to have. A pretty and non-threatening mate, a peaceful and happy gathering surrounded by their council and families. It would be such a shame if I were to crash it.

I watched as Jessica balanced on her tippy toes in pink heels and kissed Brett's lips, at the same time, his eyes escaped hers and caught mine.

"Shit, we have to go, now-"

It was too late.  I could not keep the fury of my wolf on a leash for any longer. I leaped up into the air and shifted, landing just a few feet away from the miserable couple. Simultaneous gasps and shrieks of panic all emerged at once.

"A rogue!" people pointed and stared with their jaws on the ground. Brett peered around as if to push everyone away from me. In the back of my head, I knew I stood no chance, but the fear on Jessica's face was like cold water on my chest. She hid behind his back and I raged. I could hear Brett's father calling for patrols. I stole the seconds that I had and I leaped up again and pushed Brett out of the way. Without thinking and without control over my movements, I clawed into Jessica's face, sending splats of blood all over the white carpets. Most of the pack had shifted, and those who hadn't had fled. Jeremy was behind me now, keeping the others off of me, but it was just seconds later that I was tackled by a group of patrols.

In the background, chaos had already erupted, I could  still hear the panic, the shouts and the growling. I could no longer move, three massive soldiers pinned me against the ground. I felt a blow on my head that blurred my vision, I could see Brett's teary eyes gaping at me. Regret and misery were the stories of his expression.

If I died tonight, I only hoped for two things.

For Jeremy to have made it out alive and that I had killed Jessica.


My head throbbed and the pain felt as if my brain was ready to burst. When I woke up, I was naked, lying on a cold metal bench. I was inside of a room, or perhaps more of a jail cell. I ran to the door but it was chained shut. There was a little box like a window that I flicked open to take in the outside. Members of the council were gathered by the door, I recognized one of them as Brett's father.

"The patrols are still looking for the other one, he can't have gotten far," someone was saying and I quickly realized that it meant that Jeremy had gotten away.

"No no, we'll find him, the entire forest is secured, he has to be hiding somewhere inside," someone else added.

"What will you do with the girl? She nearly killed Jessica."

"And I don't want to hear any more crap about the humans, the girl is clearly shifted now, so the birth certificate must have been forged-"

"She nearly killed the mate of my only son," the alphas' voice was demanding and bold. I could not help but swallow back my dry throat," the consequences will not be serene."

"My daughter might lose sight in her left eye!" another man shrieked," I want her dead! I want her tortured and then killed slowly-"

"I assure you, you will be pleased with the punishment. Once we catch the other rogue, the both of them will be set to burn slowly," finished the alpha.

They eventually disappeared down the empty corridor, leaving me with my heart and my stomach at my ankles.

There was a part of me focused on the fact that I had failed to kill Jessica, but at the very least, I had ruined their mating ceremony and Jeremy had escaped.

Death didn't seem to scare me so much so long as it meant that Jeremy will not have to suffer because of me. I prayed that he would never be caught, I hoped that I would be killed alone and it would pain Brett for eternity.

A hand slid a tray of food into the window slot a few hours later. There were no other windows in the room, just brick after brick of walls. I could see how someone could go crazy being trapped here for so long. A few hours later, I had the idea to shift. I tried to claw my way out of the room, I slammed my body against the walls but it served no use. I was far too weak and the bricks were far too strong.

I eventually fell asleep and woke up again to another tray of food. I wondered how long they planned to keep me here if they did not find Jeremy.

I guess I was destined to die one way or another. In some ways. I felt like I cheated death when I survived the shift. There are some things you cannot cheat however,  and death was approaching rapidly to collect its debt.

If I was never meant to live, why was I ever born?

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