Chapter 26

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"If I could, I'd change the world to be with you instead."

That was what Brett had said to me after he walked me home.

It was a quarter after four in the morning, and I still could not stop thinking about him. He'd taken my virginity just a few hours ago in Deadman's Cave, it was magical and pure and better than anything I could have ever expected. My hands still shook, I tried to halt them whilst stuffing more of my things into a backpack.

"But I can't, and in this world, we can never be together."

"So you hope I find eternal lonesome, and dread and lose my wolf, whilst you mate with someone else," there was bitter distaste in my voice.

"Yes, is that so bad?"

He was shameless, possessive and horrible. How could I have still wanted to kiss him? How could I love him this much?

"If it's not me, it can't be anybody," he continued.

"During tomorrow's Red Moon, I will forfeit you forever, like you will do to me. I also choose someone else."

He didn't call for me back, he let me go although I could feel the misery of both our wolves who cried silently in mourning agony.

The weight of my fatigue eventually became too heavy, I eventually fell asleep sometime around nine in the morning.

I woke up to deafening banging coming from the outside. I opened my eyes that burned immediately at the strength of the sun and stumbled to my feet to realize that Jeremy was balancing on the tree outside of my bedroom window, knocking violently on the glass window.

Shit, what time is it?

I released the level to unlock the window and Jeremt burst inside once it was wide open.

"I'm so sorry-" I immediately began," I lost track of time-"

"I waited for you in Deadman's Cave for hours-"

"Shit, what time is it now?"

"It's almost six pm-"

"Shit, shit, shit," I hurried to the bathroom to brush my teeth and spoke in between," I fell asleep at seven in the morning, I completely passed out-"

"It doesn't matter, if we leave now, we'll still be able to catch the last of the Red Moon even though Texas is two hours ahead."

I burst back into the room, now dressed in black leggings and a sweater,"I just need..."


Jeremy held up my backpack.

"Yes. See, I'm all packed."

He didn't seem to find much amusement anymore.

"Come on, let's go."

"I can't jump out of the window-"

"Yes, you can," he held on to my wrists and I flung them off his grasp.

"No, I can't."

"Get on my back."

"Absolutely not-"

"DO IT. We don't have much time left."

"Fuck," I complained and wore my backpack as tightly as I could around my back," ready?"


I jumped on his back and once again, I felt Jeremy and I flying through the cold air. He jumped out of the window first and balanced us on the tree trunk outside, there was a few seconds that we were in the air and then finally, we were on solid ground.

We shifted once we were within the trees of the nearby forest. I tried to melt away my nerves and focus on the task at hand. My clothes and Jeremys were stuffed in my backpack that was tied around my legs. We had been coursing for a little over half an hour. The entire journey was supposed to take around eight hours , leaving us with just a few hours until the Red Moon disappeared. Jeremy suddenly stopped violently. I could smell the scent of another wolf close by, or perhaps a few.

Jeremy shifted back to human and so I followed.

"Why did you stop?"  I tried not to stare at his perfect body.

"There are patrols that way, ones from Serenity Pack. it's unusual, they are never there."

"Can we pass by them?"

"They've been searching for me after the killings, there's no way they would let me go or wouldnt smell me."

"What do we do?" I asked. I could sense his impatience. There wasn't much time for obstacles now.

"We have to go before they catch on to either one of our scents. I think if we take our chances and head through the northern route, we should be okay."

We shifted back and retraced our steps, then switched directions to head for the Northern Route. Twenty minutes after we were coursing in the new direction, Jeremy stopped and shifted again.

"Shit, there are even more patrols that way, what the hell is going on?"

I knew the reason for the patrols probably had something to do with the mating ceremony that the pack was prepping for. The alpha's son has finally found his mate, it was no doubt going to be a massive event therefore the extra security. Brett cannot risk anything happening tonight, not when the Blood Moon will be making its appearance for the first time in eight months. This was his rare chance to forfeit me forever.

"We will have to try heading south towards Nevada instead," Jeremy continued.

"Won't that be longer?"

"Yes, but we have no choice."

It seemed like whichever direction we headed in was blocked by patrols. We ended up being chased back to where we were by one of them. By the time we had  lost him, the sun had made its exit, and the moon was fast approaching.

"What do we do?" I was out of breath and the fatigue was beginning to weigh more when it was occupied with stress," were running out of time."

"Shh," Jeremy was peeking at something behind two massive pine trees," I think I found the reason for all the patrols tonight."

I followed in his actions and took a look over at the scene just a few hundred meters away. About a hundred wooden chairs were set out on the grass all occupied with the members of the serenity pack. A long white carpet led the way to a lifted stage where the council had already taken their place. Candles and moonlight lit the woods in the most magical way, a cellist played a peaceful harmony on the right side of the stage.

"A wedding?" I mumbled.

"No, that's a mating ceremony," Jeremy said," I guess he's forfeiting you too."


"Look, over there."

Dressed in a black suit, conversing with an older man and woman whilst Jessica hung tightly on his arms was Brett.

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