Chapter 41

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"Orange juice is alright? Or I also have cranberry, and fruits for blending if you prefer?"

The maid's smile was genuine, there were no undertones of hatred nor jealousy that I could pick up on. She might be a very good actress indeed or perhaps I wasn't as good as Iinitially thought at picking up the masked emotions of others. I sat on the chair next to the head of an oval dining table made out of stunning marble. I was overwhelmed by her simple question, I looked down at the plate in front of me that had a medley of items; eggs, bacon, patotaos, toast and jam.

"I-uhh-orange juice is fine."

She poured into my glass as if it made no difference at all for her and she walked away. The six seated table was empty apart from myself. Brett said he'd be here any minute-

I felt a hand on my shoulder and a kiss on my cheek," good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning," everything was okay again. I swooned at the sight of Brett. Now that he was the Alpha, he was gone for most of the time dealing with things his father had usually dealt with," I was waiting for you."

"You should have eaten, I'm sure you're hungry."

I was starving, but I didn't want to tell him that the taste of the food would have been sour if I was still worrying about him.

"That's okay, I wanted to wait."

The maid hurried with his plate. She bowed her head and disappeared.

"My mother...did she come down at all?"

I gulped. I had been waiting for that question. His mother had been the most rejecting of the situation. When she had learned that her mate had died at the hands of her son, her cries ecod the house for days. She still hasn't come out of her room.

"No," I whispered, masking my guilt by chomping down on a piece of bread.

The truth is, I feared that I would blame myself forever for the new hatred that she now had for him and the hatred that he now had for himself.

In my perspective, it was my fault, and it would forever be this way.

"How is Jeremy doing? Is he getting along with the others?"

Brett had decided to allow Jeremy in my life, despite how much he despised the idea. He offered him a potion as a patrol.

"About that...Jeremy declined my offer, he decided he'd prefer to go back to being on his own."

It felt like a punch to my gut, I tried to hide my hurt feelings but Brett knew. He reached across the table and grasped my hand," it would have been too hard for him to stay here around us anyway, I think it's the better choice. Maybe he'll find his mate."

I nodded,"maybe."

I blinked back tears and wondered why he hadn't thought to at least say goodbye.

"Are you excited? To go back to school today?"

" Of course not, the goblins-er, I mean, the others-they hate me."

"They can hate you, but they cannot disrespect you. If anyone give you a hard time, you can tell me."

"And the funeral for your father?"

"Will be tomorrow," it sounded like he wanted to avoid the topic, so I just nodded.

I did not go to school. Instead, I merely acted like I was and waited for Brett to leave.I took the bus as close as it would go to Peggy's Grove. I clutched a letter in my hand and left it in the mail box for Mary and Thomas to find. I sat on the doorsteps for a while and thought about if it was all worth it.

Would Brett ever forgive me and forgive himself for killing his father?

Eventually, it began to rain. I didnt realize  how long I had been sitting there, lost in my own thoughts until a black audi pulled into the driveway.

I sighed and walked towards it, letting myself into the passenger side.

"How did you know i'd be here?" I asked Brett.

He smiled,"lucky guess," and leaned to kiss my nose.

"I'm sorry...for everything."

"Me too."

"Why are you sorry?"

"For letting them talk to you like they had, for letting you walk home in the rain and snow so many times, for letting your foster parents abuse you, for not choosing you sooner-I was a coward."

I was shocked by his confession. It was not my expectation nor knowledge that he lived with this guilt. I shook my head," it's not your fault."

"I always knew that there was something about you, but I always denied it, but I will carry the burden of this forever."

"You killed your father for me-"

"And I should have done it sooner."

I stared at him with wide eyes," what?"

"I should have chosen you from the day that I knew that you were my mate."

We both listened to the calming rainfall for a while.

"I've arranged for home schooling for you, until you're ready to go back, or even if you never want to-" 

I laughed out loud and he stared at me.

"You did what?"

"I've never heard you laugh like that. I think I might have fallen in love all over again."

I giggled again, but this time, he grabbed me by my throat and bright me close enough to bury his lips on mine.

The End.


Thank you so much for reading, I love you all.
xx, Nadine Alliye

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