Chapter 17

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I did not rise out of bed as I did normally, I rather very abruptly stumbled off and hit and ground with a thud. I groaned out at the pain that accompanied my elbow and struggled to get back into my bed. My first thought was to glance out into the corner of my room. The same chair with the laundry was there, the window was half open just as Brett must have left it when he fled last night. 

It really wasn't a dream. Brett Serenity had really snuck into my room to warn me about the intentions of his pack...and then he kissed me.

I could recall that the kiss lasted longer than you would expect a kiss to last. It had deepened for a few seconds, I gasped when I felt the pleasure of his tongue and was more stunned by the joy and bliss that had accompanied. I had never felt like that before, as equally frustrated as I was ready and willing to rip his clothes off. Brett ended the kiss when he pushed me away and took a few steps back. He hadn't allowed an explanation. Like a man caught doing something he wasn't supposed to, Brett fled out the window without a word.

I really must be losing my mind.

I debated what I should do next. It was a horrible idea to go to school, but if I were amongst the presence of the mortals then his pack could not hurt me.

I didn't hear about the new murder that took place until I was groggily rubbing my eyes and slumping through the hallways to first period. Whilst I was sleeping, or perhaps kissing Brett Serenity, someone had gone on another little killing spree. A man had been attacked on his way home from working the night shift by yet another wolf that did not belong to the Serenity Pack. This time, the person made sure to be captured on camera. The human news alerted everyone of a wolf attack while the warmer blooded ones knew the truth. I overheard Stass and the rest of her posse spread the horrid news like it was gossip. When I walked past them, they stared me down with more than disgust in their eyes.

"I guess it wasn't you after all that's been killing humans," she spat," perhaps it's one of your  filthy rogue friends."

"Maybe she has a mud blooded boyfriend," another one of her goblins joked.

"What are you talking about?" I snapped. I was well aware that Brett was nowhere to be found.

"The council saw a rogue man on camera killing the mortal. Didn't even bother concealing himself like the last time, I guess he's getting lazy-"

"It was a man rogue that killed the human?"

"Guess you're out of the council's radar for now, mutt," another goblin spat out. I could hardly hear because I was lost in my own head.

The murder had revealed their identity, or rather some off, clearing me of any allegations that suggested it could be me.

Does that mean that I was in the clearing for now with The Serenity Pack?

I knew I had to find Damon and ask him why he kept on killing humans and why he hadn't been discreet about his identity like the first time.

Neither Damon nor Brett had shown up to class and it was as equally frustrating as it was annoying.

During the end of class, I decided to test a theory that I had.

The mysterious biker that had been stalking me was Damon, I knew that much. But he only seemed to follow me when I was alone.

Only after I had revealed to him that The Serenity Pack had blamed me for the murder of the human man had he gone and killed another, this time making it clear that it was not me, but a rogue man instead.

Could he have done this to shift the focus off of me?

Was Damon secretly protecting me?

It would explain why he had followed me to Desdman's Cave on October 6th.

Could Damon be connected to my past?

After school, I decided to take a detour through a more sketchy part of town. Byward Alley was littered with old sleeping tents and garbage. The stench of pee and alcohol was almost potent and the mold on the walls did not help. Dozens of homeless people occupied the sides of the ancient street.There were no shops or cars in Byward Alley. No one ever came here by choice.

I finally began to feel the nerves as I passed by a group of people whose eyes were glued on me. I tried to reassure myself by reminding myself that I was a fully shifted werewolf now, but the truth is, I wasn't quite sure how I would shift again. I passed one group and another. Some tried to say things to me to get my attention, most of them just gawked. I felt the presence of someone walking behind me. I turned around the slightest to catch sight of a middle aged man who watched me like I was his prey. I swallowed the lump in my throat and kept walking. I had to cross through an empty alley to get to the road that would take me back on the path of my home. I knew that it was dangerous, but I had no choice. I could hear the man had followed me into the alley.

"Where are you going?" his rough voice bounced off the moist walls in an echo.  I simply ignored him and walked even faster.

My heart thudded violently against my chest. I reminded myself that predators like him could sense fear and perhaps enjoy it.

"Hey, I'm talking to you."

I ignored him again. Eventually, I could no longer pretend to be calm. I broke out in a run in a desperate attempt to get to the end of the alley where I could turn into a busier street. I had clearly miscalculated. My theory that Damon would come to save me was wrong and I was all alone. The man behind me was running as well. I was running out of breath but the crippling fear fueled into adrenaline and kept me going. I finally got to the end of the alley but the turn that I would take was blocked off by three massive dumpsters. I had led myself right into a corner, right to my very own death. I planted my back against the wall and stared into the eyes of the man that wore a wicked grin.

"What's a pretty little girl like you doing at Byward Alley?" his smirk revealed his rotten teeth. I felt shivers of fear and disgust on my skin.

I had no one to blame but myself. A senseless thought came into play, not similar to anything that had ever crossed my mind. I suddenly wished that I was more developed as a wolf, it would have been pleasurable to rip out whatever hid behind his limpid chest with my fangs.

And then I finally heard it. The sound of a revving engine and the bold tires of a fast approaching motorcycle.

Dirty Secret Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora