Chapter 35

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The vibe that was set by the leaders of the savage rogues in the woods was that we had no choice but to be in a mood to celebrate. Despite Jeremy's limping foot and our painful wounds and clear as day distress, he still insisted or rather commanded our presence. We were served large chunks of pork with gravy and potatoes on plastic plates and bitter moonshine that they made themselves to wash it all down. The food might have been delicious had we been in the mood, hunger was present but so was impatience and severe fatigue. The sparks from the bonfire danced in flames in Jeremy's eyes as he watched the rogues dancing in a circle around it. Raph played a chaotic rhythm on oak drums, it was all too much and the impact was a rapidly growing-to-be unbearable headache.

I leaned towards Jeremy," are you alright?"

"Huh?" It took him a moment to realize that I had been talking to him," yeah, I'm fine. I just don't trust him."

"Yeah, me too. We'll be out of here soon," I placed my hand on top of his as if to inherit some of his worry, like I did not have enough of my own.

Soon enough, the rogues were growing drunker. The dancing turned into swaying, the couples had begun to make out and commit acts of intimacy that became quite unsettling. There was a black haired woman who sat on Raph's lap. She wore a cargo olive green skirt and nothing else. Her round breasts were pressed up against his chest whilst she kissed the skin leading to the nape of his neck. I watched with fascination, I could not look away, nor did I want to.

I was ashamed to admit that watching them was turning me on. I missed Brett, I thought of how it felt to have his lips on me, to feel his dick inside of me in Deadman's Cave. I felt myself growing wetter the longer I stared. As if sensing my eyes on him, Raph looked up to meet mine. He kissed the girls lips hungrily, although he never broke contact. I could see that his fingers had traveled to explore underneath her skirt. She tossed her head back and moaned, his hands were working even harder now in a smoother rhythm. I pictured that it was Brett that was doing that to me, taking me to places of pleasure that I never knew existed....

"This is sick," Jeremy suddenly released and I jumped up a little," let's get the hell out of here."

I cleared my throat," what?"

"I can't watch this anymore," he stood up," he said it was the cabin across from where the kitchen is. I know where that is, let's go."

I nodded and hurried to my feet, and followed Jeremy down the moonlit forest pathway that homed dozens of little cabins.

We arrived at a wooden cabin that looked as if it were put together by a few men. Inside, there was room for a bunk bed, a dresser and a battery operated lamp. The entire cabin or rather room must have been a few meters in length and width.

"Where is the bathroom?"

"I think they all share one bathroom, the cabin with the blue door that we passed by."

I nodded and set my bag down on the bottom bunk," I guess we should get some sleep then."

Jeremy had already begun climbing to the bed on top,"way ahead of you. I'm exhausted."

I stripped off most of my clothes once the room was pitch black and lied on the bed, unmoving but sleep never came. I could hear Jeremy's light snoring, but all that occupied my mind was one thing-sex.

I pictured the perfect girl kissing on Raph. I wondered what would have happened by now if it were Brett on the top bunk and not Jeremy. My soul yearned for him,  but my body craved something wilder.

Eventually, I could not escape the thoughts and the urge to pee. I tried to stay as quiet as I could and grabbed my clothes off the ground. I did not want to wake Jeremy up, so I held the clothes in my hands with intent to put them on once I was outside. I shut the door slowly and underneath the moonlight I realized that I had only grabbed my shirt.

The pathway was deserted, there was no one in sight, the music could still be heard from a distance. I made my way to the bathroom anyway with just my shirt on figuring that everyone was at the party. I reached the cabin with the blue doors and knocked.


I opened the door to reveal multiple little rooms, some had just toilets, others were just showers. I shrugged off my shirt and hopped into the shower. I set it as cold as it would go and then the opposite way of the intent was to burn my skin. The pain was a good distraction, a pleasant one. When I was done, I stepped out of the shower and studied myself in the mirror, I was more distressed, more rattled . My hair was a soaked mess, my wounds were still dirty and it was clear that I was in need of some self care and fresh clothes,  but still, my eyes sparkled with something wild . I wasn't as taken care of as before but somehow I looked more beautiful.

"Being on the run looks good on you."

I jumped up at the sound of the rough male's voice. Coming out of the shower and completely naked was Raph.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in here-"

Water droplets escaped his wet braided hair and ran down his abs. I didn't chase them any further, I could tell where they were going. He stepped closer towards me, the heat from his dark skin was unbearable. My wolf begged for me to walk away, but there was something else that held me still.

I wished that he would put on some clothes which reminded me of mine. I grabbed my shirt but his sudden grasp on my wrist halted me.

"Don't, you look much better this way."

I didn't say anything. I just stared.

His fingers caressed my cheeks so gently I would have sworn it was genuine.

"You have been through a lot in the past few days..." you said.

Or 18 years.

I nodded.

"It's such a shame how life has a way of handing its worst cards to the most beautiful people..."

"I should get back..."

"You should stay here with me, I'll take care of you."

I could feel his hard cock pressing against the skin of my stomach. If it weren't for the murderous guilty conscience of my wolf, I would have given myself to him. The throbbing between my legs alone was unbearable.

"I could feel the heat of your desire," he whispered in my ear, hands rested on my waist," let yourself have me."

I shut my eyes for a moment. I was far too weak to wait another second. I pushed the leader of the rogues away from me and rushed out before I did something regretful.

I could hear the echoes of his laughter behind me.

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