Chapter 16

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I was in bed, I had attempted to do a little self care in celebration of my future. That is, if the Serenity Pack decided to give me until the rest of the school year and then I would surly, gladly and willingly fuck off. I tried not to think, for stressing about the uncontrollable was the true devil on earth.  I hid from my ponder in a book. The seconds in between turning the pagers, my mind reminisces.

Will The Serenity Pack blame me for the murder of the human man?
Why was Damon following me?

What hidden motives did Brett Serenity carry and why does he deny rescuing me?

Why did Damon say that Brett was in love with me?

For a while I found myself rereading the same two sentences over and over again with no comprehension. I let out a sigh and slammed the book shut. Just as I had done so, the curtains by my half open windows stirred and I screamed at the hand that emerged from the screen. I grabbed my pillow and cornered myself away from the murky figure that tried to make its way into my room through the opening of the small window. I watched as they struggled through the tight space and took the opportunity to run over and begin to beat them with my pillow.

"Stop it, it's me!"

The person-man-was much stronger than I was. He grabbed the pillow out of my hands and tossed it across the room.  I relaxed now that my eyes were closed and slowly opened them to realize that the man stuck in my window was Brett Serenity.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted.

"Can you open the rest of the window?"

"No, leave!"

"Come on Clarity, it's important."

I could not help the second that my brain took to realize once again that he knew my name and made it sound so pleasant every time he said it.

I could tell that it was by the look on his face and by the fact that the son of the alpha had to sneak into my bedroom late at night to tell me something that this had to be urgent.

Minutes later, the window was wide open and Brett Serenity made my messy room look half the size that it usually was standing in the corner next to a chair that was loaded with dirty laundry. In my defense, I didn't think I'd live long enough to have to wash them. I had my arms crossed although I felt nervous.

Actually, I felt many things, and for some reason, I felt shy. I wore an oversized shirt, my bare legs were smooth and lotioned from my earlier attempt to pamper myself and my long dark hair draped like curtains behind me. I waited for him to say something but he looked more at  loss for words than I was.

I felt like I had at some point of my life fantasized about this happening, waking up to him in the corner of my room, but in most scenes he was less clothed. I blushed red at the thought.

"Brett, what are you doing here? This isn't twilight-"

"I'm sorry, I know, but it's important."

"You keep saying that, are you going to actually tell me what's important?"

"Yes," he released a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. I resisted the urge to bite my lips and looked away for a moment. It should be a crime to be this good looking.

"You have to leave."

My eyes darted back to his. I stared at him because I was stunned.


"The council thinks you had something to do with the murder, they are using it as an excuse to get rid of you sooner."

"Get rid of me mean kill me."

He didn't say a word but the look on his face confirmed it.

"I can't just leave-where will I go?"

"Anywhere, but you can't stay here."

"Are you hearing yourself talk? You know I had nothing to do with the murder!"

"I know that, but I don't think they care. All they know is that the man was killed by a rogue, and you're the only one in town that they've been trying to get rid off for years."

"So you saved my life for what? You knew this was going to happen, you should have let me die-"

"I couldn't!" he burst with enough anger that I had to take a few steps back.

"Why couldn't you? You never cared, why now?"

He didn't answer. He seemed just as stunned at his outrage as I had been. 

"Brett, I need answers. I know it was you at Deadman's Cave and I know it was you that brought me to the hotel, but why? Are you secretly not as horrible as them?" I took a few steps forward," or is there something else that you aren't telling me?"

"There has to be somewhere you can go," he whispered. His eyes were glued to the ground," the council will tear you to shreds, the guard wolves, they are trained to kill."

I felt my eyes tear up and I wanted to curse myself for my display of weakness," I told you, I have no one."

"You have to have some money saved up then, take it and go somewhere else. I can give you money if you don't have any, go start a life somewhere you're welcome."

Ouch. I've been shown a million ways how unwelcomed I was by the members of The Serenity Pack more times than I could count. But hearing it coming from Brett, it released a new depth of hurt that I hadn't ever felt before. I felt wounded to my core, I felt my wolf awaken and stir inside of me for the very first time.

I needed to shift and run and howl until I felt no more pain.

"That's why you told your friends at Deadman's Cave to never go back? Because you dont want anyone from your fucking cult to be associated with me."

"No, that's not why I did that-"

I stared into his sad eyes with teary ones," You're a monster just like the rest of them.  I wish that I had died with my parents instead of this. You all act like I chose this-"

Brett grabbed my shoulders with both of his hands as if to shut me up. The only way to describe my emotions would be shock. I felt shocked that his touch halted my body so.

"Listen to me. The only reason I said that at Deadman's Cave was to make sure they dont come back and bother you."

"What?" I could only whisper.

"When I drove you home that day that it was raining, you told me that at Deadman's Cave is where you felt the most at peace. I wanted you to never have to worry about them coming back and bothering you."

"Why would you do that for me?" I was beyond stunned. Not even Stephanie Myers could have predicted this.

He was silent while we stared into each other's eyes. There was a clawing sensation that I felt from within. Any part of me that could be emotionally stimulated in any way was raging. I could hardly breathe as Brett's fingers traced my jawline and finally the corner of my lips. I could smell the musk of his fading cologne, I wanted to bury my fingers in his hair-

It happened so suddenly that I thought I had imagined it. Brett had closed the distance between us and brought his lips to mine.

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