Chapter 29

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"Psst!" I hissed through the small opening when all was silent again and I was sure that the guards had left," Jeremy, can you hear me?"

There was shuffling, then the miniature window across mines flickered open and I could see Jeremy's wide eyes staring into mine.

"You're alive-" he breathed out a sigh of relief," I thought for sure that they would have killed you by now."

"They were waiting to kill us together once they found you."

"Well, they definitely found me."

"Didn't you get Brett's text? To stay away?"

"Wait, that really was from you?" his eyes widened even more," I thought it was fake-"

"I had Brett send it. He was supposed to come by and help me out, than I could come find you-"

"Shit, shit shit! I messed it all up, didn't I?"

I stayed silent. I could not look him in the eyes. How do I admit to him that he just signed our death sentence when his intentions were nothing but pure?

"Why did you risk it? You must have known that there would be no chance-"

"I know. I know that,"he released a frustrated sigh," the truth is, I was looking for Brett."

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows," why Brett?"

"I was afraid that if I didn't kill him, then you two would mate and I would be too late."

"You were looking to kill Brett?" 

He didn't answer, instead moments later in the thick silence he replied with,"He's not gonna come back for you anymore, is he?" Jeremy asked, although we both knew the answer.


There wasn't much for Jeremy and I to talk about. We both sat in dreadful silence, both of us thinking about the ways we could have avoided this outcome. For me personally, I always felt like death had a way of cornering me. If it wasn't this, I'd surely find a way to die, sooner or later.

Like I was never even destined to live. I wondered if  the true meaning of being a rogue was to fight for life until you lose the battle.

I fell asleep eventually, and rose again to noises by my door. I assumed it was Jeremy at first until he called out for me to wake up.

I hurried to the window but never got the chance to open it because the door burst as wide as it could go and it was Brett that had unlocked it.

"You came," I was breathless for a reason beyond me. I was sure that he had given up on me, yet there he was to rescue us.

"Hurry, there's no time-"

Jeremy peered at us through his window," alright,hurry up and unlock his," I commanded but Brett did not move.

"I can't."

"What do you mean, you can't," I went to take the keys from his hands," give me those."

"They won't work, each door has its own key."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. My vision was blurry and my hands shook as I rushed to try it. I dug the keys inside and sure enough, they wouldn't budge.

"Go get the keys for him then!" I demanded," go now, I'll wait here-"

"I can't!"  Brett insisted," they are with my father, I was only able to find yours."

"You're a liar, you never even bothered."

"Trust me, I risked everything to get those keys,  now we have to go before the guard wakes up-"

"No! I'm not leaving him here."

"Clare, go."

I looked down at a calm Jeremy. He didn't look scared like I  did, and if he was, he masked it pretty well.

"No," I moaned out," what will I do, where will I go without you? I have nobody."

"Go to Austin, look for the Mud Pack, tell them I sent you-"

"No! They'll kill you if I leave you here!"

"Better just me then the both of us."

Footsteps began from down the halls.

"Let's go, now!" Brett grabbed my arms and I resisted. I began to march back into my cell but he dug his fingers into the skin of my arm," stop acting like a child.'

The echoes  of the footsteps grew louder the closer they got.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Carry her out," Jeremy demanded," do it, now."

I stared with horrified eyes at Jeremy.

How could he?

Brett threw me against his shoulders despite my struggles. I cried and slammed my fists against his back but everything seemed fruitless. He carried me down the darkening hall, the opposite way of the guards that were seconds from catching sight of us. They began to yell and it was deafening the closer they got to us. In the distance I could hear them harassing Jeremy who remained silent.

We reached the end of the corridor, and burst through double doors. Brett finally put me down on the grass. It was too dark to see anything, not even his face.

"Take me back, I have nowhere to go!" I cried.

"Listen to me, they're coming, they'll be there any second. Follow the pine trees to the north border, it's not patrolled tonight-"

"I can't leave Jeremy-"

"If you go now, I promise to try to help him."

The guards burst through the back door. Just a few meters away now, they searched for our scents in the darkness.

"Meet me tomorrow at noon at Deadmans Cave, alright?"

"Who's there!" The guards demanded. I quickly agreed to Brett's proposal and fled.

I shifted and ran for the trees. The last thing I heard was Brett trying to explain himself to the guards and how he too was trying to chase down the intruder.

"She ran south, towards the borders. If you go now, you should catch her."

I wondered if they bought anything he had said.

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