Chapter 19

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"What's happening?"

I could not transform my hands back to how they were. I blinked for my sight back through blurry eyes.

"This is completely normal, it used to happen to me too when I first shifted," Damon rested my arms safely at my sides," you'll learn to control it soon enough."

"How do I turn them back?"

"They'll go back on their own, when you calm down,"  I could not help but feel as if I knew him even more the more I stared into his trusting eyes," you can't always control your wolf when you're a newshift, it comes with time."

"Why were you following me?"

"Why were you in Byward Alley?"

"Because I knew you'd come after me if I put myself in danger."

He smirked and it was almost mischievous,"I guess I haven't been as subtle as I thought."

"Three people dead? No, subtle isn't how I would describe you either."

"Everyone I killed deserved it, they were horrible people that should have died a long time ago. I did this town a favor-"

"Who are you and why the hell are you following me?" I had just enough of his games and the splatters of the dried up blood on my face was beginning to make my skin crawl.

He released a defeated sigh," it's me, Clay. Don't you recognize me?"

That name again– it had the same impact as last time. The truth is, I did recognise him. I recognized him all along but I did not quite grasp onto the memories until now.

"Jeremy?" I breathed out. His smile was sincere and almost grateful," I thought you were dead."

"Nah, I faked that so they would stop looking for me."

"I can't believe it," I wrapped my arms as tightly as I could and buried my face into the nape of his neck. He hugged me back and for a few minutes we just stood there and it all began to make sense.

A while later, we were sitting on the soil and I was watching Jeremy as if he were a dream that had come to life.

"After I ran away from the Orphanage, I looked for you forever. I tried to find a pack that would take me in, but I quickly found out how much everyone hated rouges. I found a rogue pack down in Texas that took me in for a little while, helped me shift. After I was eighteen, I went back to the orphanage and I stole your file. That's how I was able to find you."

"Your timing is perfect, I think I'm on thin ice with The Serenity Pack. They are looking for any excuse to kill me."

"That's why I came to get you. You don't have to be alone here anymore, we can run off, start our own pack or even join my people in Texas."

I smiled and thought about the pictures I had seen of the state,"Texas is nice."

"Way nicer than this shitty town, and the food is better too."

"Why did you kill all those people?"

The mood darkened, I could that much just by the look in his eyes.

"My friends down in Texas, they trained me for a little while, how to control my wolf, how to suppress my hunger, my thirst for murder. It comes with being a rogue, you can't help but crave bloodshed."

I thought of  how I felt after I'd been cornered by the man in Byward Alley. It was almost an appetite to kill...

"If you don't learn to control it, it could end you. You become a savage like most rogues. My friends lead a peaceful rogue pack, no murder, no bloodshed...I broke the rules instead because I lost control the first time."

"And the second?"

"The second time was to get The Serenity Pack off your case. I didn't want you to get blamed for what I did, so I made sure to do it again, this time making sure they knew it couldn't be you."

It was just like I had thought. It wasn't a coincidence at all that he had killed someone right after I told him that I would be going down for the first murder.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you. How come The Serenity Pack haven't tried to kill you yet? You're a fully shifted rogue on their land."

"The Alpha of the pack in Texas once did a favor for someone on the council here. They let me stay here in return, but only for thirty days."

"And now that they know it was you responsible for the murders-"

"Yeah, I probably shouldn't go back," he chuckled.

"So when do we leave? I can be packed by tonight-"

"We can't leave just yet. Something unexpected had come up," he seemed uneasy, like there was something he was keeping from me.

"What is it?"

"On October sixth, I followed you to the woods to make sure you survived the shift, but someone was already there."

"Yes, I know. Brett Serenity."

"He knew I was trying to help, but it was like he couldn't control himself. He wouldn't let me touch you, he wouldn't even let me come close to you."

I was just as confused as he was. I thought of the kiss we had shared and decided to keep it to myself," that's strange."

"I think that Brett might be your mate, and if that's the case, then you can't go anymore with me... not yet."

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