Chapter One

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Before we begin the story, let me specify a few things:

- This series takes place in the real world.

- This series has multiple "arcs."

-When you see letters in bold, they hold a potential "clue" to a specific case. Pay attention, though! Not all clues are highlighted, but many tie into other areas of the story!

Letters in bold also indicate an action scene.

Have fun reading!


In a dark NYC alleyway at midnight, a mugger holds a young lady at gunpoint. Unaware people walk by, as the mugger corners her deeper into the alleyway.

Mugger: Give the money up, lady, don't make me have to blow off your damn head.

Lady: Please, please! I'm broke!

Mugger: Okay then.

He pointed the gun at her head. Before he could pull the trigger, the gun was shot out of his hand. Holding his hand, he turned and saw something unusual.

Mugger: ?

A guy in an all-black tactical suit, tactical boots, gloves, and tactical mask was reloading his gun. The guy also had a utility belt with holsters for two pistols, and the thing even had a nightstick attached to it. His mask had blue lenses that shined bright in the moonlight, and he pointed his gun directly at the mugger.

Vigilante: Hands up. Now.

Mugger: Now what the hell...?

The vigilante kept his gun trained on the mugger. The mugger didn't make any sudden moves, but he leaned slightly toward his weapon on the ground.

Without further warning:

The vigilante threw his nightstick at the mugger with ease. It hit him square in the temple. When the mugger reared back in pain, the vigilante back-kicked him into one of the alleyway's walls. He then took handcuffs out of his utility belt and cuffed the disoriented man. He pulled out an extra cuff and cuffed the man's feet as well. When he looked at the woman, she was looking back at him in fear, hoping he wouldn't harm her.

Lady: Hi?

Vigilante: Uh..hi?

Lady: Are you a cop?

Vigilante: Nah, I'm new. My name is Riot. Sorry about the guy over there. He'll be in jail soon.

With that, the Riot returned the way he came, got on his motorcycle when he was sure she wasn't looking, and drove away into the night. The lady was stunned, but she saw the mugger in handcuffs and in pain and kicked him in the jaw for his attempt at robbing and killing her.

Mugger: Ow, mother—

Lady: That's what you get, you son of a—-

The cops came and rushed into the alleyway. They saw the mugger handcuffed and the scared young woman and had lots of questions, but the lady informed them the mugger attempted to rob and kill her. One of the cops, Officer Ricardo Jenkins, came out of his car and recognized the young lady immediately, pulling her into a hug.

Officer Ricardo: Cassie? Are you okay?

Cassie: Yeah, I'm fine, I—-

Officer Ricardo: Clearly not! If I didn't get that 911 call, you would have been—-

Cassie: I would have been fine! Look at him; he's already been dealt with.

Officer Ricardo looked at the mugger, who was coughing blood. He looked unreadable as he turned back to his daughter, who was nervously trembling.

Officer Ricardo: There's no way you did this, is there?

Cassie shook her head.

Cassie: Well, I, um, some dude just—-

Officer Ricardo: Some dude?

Cassie explained to him about the vigilante and how he stopped the mugger. She even told him the name he referred to himself as Riot.

Officer Ricardo: You sure you didn't have too much to drink, sweetheart? This is the real world, not a—-

Cassie: I saw him!

Ricardo: You sure it wasn't some cop that couldn't be bothered to take him to jail?

Cassie: DAD! What cop wears a mask? Like, be for real!

Officer Ricardo didn't know what else to say, but he was sure one thing was possible. There wasn't any real-life Batman, Spider-Man, or any of that. All life had was the law and those to uphold said law. If this person did exist, he would have to be arrested for taking the law into his own hands. Unless he really was a cop, and his daughter was just drunk again.

Ricardo: Look, I'm just glad you're okay.

He pulled her into another hug.

The other officers took the guy away. Officer Ricardo gave his terrified daughter a ride back home and told her she wasn't allowed to roam past midnight anymore, to her chagrin. His concern for her was evident, and so was his worry that her story about the "vigilante" was true.

Meanwhile, Riot was returning home, transitioning back to his other life, 18-year-old Demetrius Anderson, high school senior and aspiring detective. He went into the alleyway behind his apartment complex, opened the backpack he left there, took off his vigilante suit, and put on his trademark black jacket, jeans, and Jordans. He grabbed the bag, left his motorcycle in the back, and went into the apartment, preparing to head up to his parent's condo. He walked past the doorman, Mr. Joe. On his way to the apartment elevator, he greeted the receptionist, Mr. Derrick.

Mr. Derrick: Hey, kid, glad you made it back safe. You ain't supposed to be out late like this.

Demetrius: Sorry, I just went to the store. I got thirsty.

Mr. Derrick: Right. Well, you should head up before your folks return.

Demetrius waved him off and entered the elevator, using the access code "4563". He had no worries about being caught by his parents; they usually spent most of their time doing work affairs or personal activities. The place would be empty until around 1 a.m., and it was 12:30 a.m.

He took out his key from his bag and unlocked the door. The place smelled fresh as always because his parents loved the finer things. He went upstairs to his room, set his backpack on his bed, and realized that he had to go to school in the morning.

Demetrius: Oh boy.

He walked over to his desk and looked over some science notes. He had to handle science, math, AND history homework.

He decided to get to work.

Meanwhile, in a police car at a gas station:

The mugger from earlier was sitting in the back of the car. The cops driving him, Officer Maria Daniels and Officer Troy Hubert, had stopped to get some gas.

Mugger: So y'all bozos ain't gonna buy me no—-

He immediately stopped when he saw who was outside the window. That was no cop. It was a guy in a ski mask and a black hood, and the mugger immediately scooted back in his seat.

Guy: Henry Brown, YOU have failed us.

Henry: Wait, wait, tell the boss give me one more chance! I didn't mean to—-

Before Henry could say another word, the man shot him dead in the forehead, right through the window. When the noise got the attention of the officers, the man was already gone, and all that was left was a dead body and a note on the driver-side car door. The note read:

Dear officers, fear not, for YOU are next.


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