Chapter Six

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A day before the big party was due to start, Bryant was excited and a bit nervous. He didn't know if Demetrius would really commit to having a party, and he didn't even know if Demetrius had a "normal" house. He didn't know what was in that kid's "rumored condo," but Diamond was a "baddie," and he must please the baddies.

His mom was still acting weird, but he didn't care. He was getting that party, and she was an early sleeper due to her Pre-K teaching job. By 8 p.m. tomorrow, she'd be in her bed, and Bryant would be making out with Diamond.

He had just finished a normal Thursday: School, school, and more school. He was sure he failed all the tests he took today, but by the time his mom knew, he would be busy having fun. He decided to text Diamond.

Bryant: (Text) Yo D, you still down for the party tomorrow?

Diamond: (Text) Of course. It's still at your house, right?

Oh damn, he forgot to tell her.

Bryant: (Text) Well, like, you remember that kid, Demetrius?

Diamond: (Text) Uh, yeah?

Bryant: (Text) Yeah, it's gonna be at his house.

Diamond took a while to respond. It made Bryant feel like she wasn't going to come. Eventually, a notification popped up on his Instagram.

Diamond: (Text) Okay...where does he...stay?

Bryant got the address from Demetrius, but he had never actually been there before. For all he knew, Demetrius could have sent him some old man's house.

Bryant: (Text) He said he lived at 520 W 28th. That's where the party will be.

Diamond: (Text) Okay.

Bryant closed Instagram. The party was in a day, and nothing had been prepared yet. Stuff had been ordered to the party house, but he never set it up at Demetrius's place. Mainly because he was a procrastinator, but also because he was a bit scared to enter Demetrius's home. If the house really was his, though, it was even better than Bryant's house and would make for a perfect party. But hell, for all he knew, Demetrius could have thrown all that stuff out.

Bryant decided to suck up his nerves and visit the kid. If he wanted a party, he'd best start now. All the invites had already been sent. Unfortunately for him, his mother was watching TV in the living room.

Amanda: And where do you think you're going, young man?

Bryant: Oh, out...

Amanda: Oh no, you're not! You're still grounded, homie.

The "homie" talk. Sure, it might be forced, but when she got like that, it was serious.

Bryant: Yeah, well, I was going to see my tutor; he would help me improve my grades!

Amanda sat up.

Amanda: A tutor? Since when do you have a tutor?

Bryant needed to find the right words to complete his "semi-lie".

Bryant: Uh, ever since the coach told me to bring up my grades or I'd be kicked off the team!

Typical teenage lie. But Amanda didn't seem to notice.

Amanda: ...Fine. But you'd better be back by eight, or it will be your ass. Do you understand?

Bryant: Yes, ma.

He left. She went back to her show, whatever it was.

He called an Uber to take him to where the address was. The guy was pretty friendly, but he liked to talk a lot. Bryant assumed it was due to his old age.

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