Chapter Thirteen

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As cops tried to make sense of the chaos in the Target, Riot got on his motorcycle and sped off, clearly hurt from his fight with the assassin.

While he was doing that, Thomas called 911 to help James, and the ambulance came shortly after.

Thomas: Sorry, bud, I failed us this time.

James: could possibly have expected this? You did great, man.

Thomas: No. I haven't.

He felt great disappointment in himself. He thought he was setting a trap and he'd been trapped himself. It was a horrible situation, and many cops had surely lost their lives in the attack.

Thomas walked over to Ricardo, who was looking just as troubled as he was.

Ricardo: Sorry, I, this is my fault. I wanted us to focus on the vigilante so badly that I forgot all about the other problem.

Thomas: No, it's on me. I didn't see this coming. I got sloppy.

He put an arm on Ricardo's shoulder.

Thomas: But thanks to you, we now know we have not only a vigilante but an "assassin" as well.

Ricardo: ...Thank you, Captain.

Thomas nodded and went inside. Many cops lay injured or dead, and Officer Maria was trying to help Officer Troy, who was dying.

Troy: Captain...I...I'm sorry. I've failed you.

Thomas knelt down next to him.

Thomas: No, no, Troy. I...I'm sorry for failing you.

Troy: No, you, you'll catch 'em...both of them. I...know you will.

His eyes grew still, and Thomas looked down with a sad look. Maria had tears in her eyes.

Maria: W.. what do we do now?

Thomas: We find that bastard and his little "date." They have lots to answer for. They will.

Riot lay in an alley a few blocks from the scene. He was very tired and beaten up. He checked the time and saw it was 12:45 a.m., and remembered:

Riot: That party! My parents!

But the weight of the previous actions, and his failure to stop the criminals or the assassin, bore heavy on him.

Riot: I...lost...she got away...

But while he was busy sulking in the alley, he heard a noise.

"Hey, leave her alone!"

He perked up, confused.

Riot: What...?

"Help! Someone help!"

The voice was male. It sounded like...a kid?

It was coming from the alley nearby. Riot got on his motorcycle and went to check it out, albeit with great difficulty.

He saw a teenage kid with messy black hair, glasses, fair skin, and brown eyes protecting a teenage girl, a brown-haired girl with hazel eyes, lighter skin, and a scared look on her face, from some masked criminal. The criminal wore a hood like the ones from Target.

Boy: Leave her alone! She didn't do anything to you!

Man: Step aside, little kid. Your little girlfriend got an expiration date, and it's now.

Girl: I'm sorry, I didn't do anything! Please!

Man: Don't make this harder than it has to be.

Girl: Please, I'll do anything—-

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