Chapter Twenty-Five

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In Art class, Demetrius couldn't believe the names he got paired up with: Grant and Briana. The two looked at each other and then to Demetrius, while the teacher was busy pairing the other kids.

Grant: Oh...uh...

Briana: These two?!?

Demetrius just looked between them both, then slightly looked at the door.

Demetrius: Hi...?

Briana: Miss, I don't even know them!

Ms. Robert: Ms. O'Conner, this is a good chance for you to meet new friends!

Briana: Miss!

Grant awkwardly sat next to the two, connecting his desk with Demetrius's.

Grant: Well, hi.

Demetrius: (To himself) First Diamond, now this?

Grant: Huh?

Demetrius: Oh, nothing...nothing.

Briana reluctantly connected her desk to theirs.

Briana: Do either of you know how to do art?

Grant: Yeah!

Demetrius: Nope.

Briana: Ugh.

Grant: Well, you're welcome to start us off, once we know what it is we're doing.

Briana: Miss, what are we doing?

Ms Roberts was done pairing kids.

Ms. Roberts: Glad you asked! We will be making model cities out of clay!

And she expected this to be done in a week, with these goofs.

Briana: A whole city?

Ms. Roberts: Correct! They will be displayed in the museum, and the best city wins a prize!

Other kids looked interested in this.

Kid #1: A prize? What is it?

Kid #2: Is it money?

Ms. Roberts: You'll have to wait and see! Now I'll provide you guys your materials, and you can begin!

Demetrius's group all looked like they could kill each other. Ms. Roberts handed them their materials first: sculpting tools, brushes, knives, paints, and of course, a whole bunch of clay. It was so much all three desks were covered with it.

Grant: Oh...this is enough clay for a whole nation!

He smirked at the other two, but they didn't laugh.

Briana: Why me?

Demetrius's phone buzzed.

Andy: (Text) Yo, you almost out of school???

Demetrius: (Text) More or less, why?

Andy: (Text) I think I've found a job for your other self. P.S, let me come!!!

Demetrius: (Text) Oh...great...

Briana: Hey! Why are you texting? We need to get to work!

Demetrius: Oh. My bad.

Briana: Look, since I'm clearly the best one in this group, I'll handle most of the buildings. You guys just do streets and the corners, and painting I guess.

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