Chapter-Thirty Six

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In response to Andy's question, all the mysterious girl did was laugh.

Jayla: (Laughing) What?

Andy: What?

Jayla: What question is—-?

Andy: I don't know! I just seen you kill like three people!

She kept laughing. Even if she wasn't the assassin, Andy still felt uneasy around her. He grabbed his bag off the ground.

Andy: Uh...?

Jayla: (Laughing) We should probably go.

Andy: What is so funny?

But she just dragged him away from the scene.

Jayla: Okay, let's go.

Meanwhile, Bryant was in his room, still facing the wrath of his mother.

Amanda: So, you lied to me?

Bryant: It's not a lie! I haven't been able to get in contact with my tutor today!

Amanda: Yea, right. How about we give you a month and a half—-

Bryant: Ma-

Amanda: Nope. I don't wanna hear it.

She left his room and slammed the door. Bryant flopped onto his bed.

Bryant: Nah, nah. I'm done listening to her, I don't care.

He waited until she was busy taking care of her hair, then he grabbed what he needed: phone, headphones, backpack with snacks, and he escaped through his front door.

Amanda: Bryant?

But he was gone. He ran down a block, and another one, until he bumped into:

Bryant: Woah, what the actual hell?

Andy: Uh—!

Two teenagers in weird-looking clothing were walking down the street, the boy being dragged by the girl. They looked like a bank robbing couple.

Bryant: Who the hell are you two—-

Jayla: Bryant?

He recognized her voice immediately.

Bryant: Oh, you're Diamond's friend?

Jayla: My name is Jayla, thank you very much.

Bryant: The hell you came from? Robbing 7-11?

Andy looked between both of them.

Andy: Okay, let me go now!

Bryant looked at him.

Bryant: And who are you?

Andy: Uh, I'm nobody!

And Jayla laughed again. Andy had to bascially bite her arm to squirm out of her grip.

Jayla: Ow! Are you serious?

And then Andy ran off. Jayla turned back to Bryant.

Jayla: Shouldn't you be at home? You know, grounded?

Amanda: Yes. He should.

They both spun around, and Amanda was in her car, not looking very pleased.

Amanda: Get in.

Bryant decided to run again. Jayla waved to him.

Jayla: Well, nice seeing you again!

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