Chapter Eighteen

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On Sunday morning, Bryant woke up, ready to hang out with Diamond today. The only issue was he was still grounded, and his mom had a day off today. He had to come up with a plan to get her out of the house, but he didn't know what could possibly work.

Walking into the living room, he saw her.

Amanda: Oh, hello, son.

Bryant: Hi, Ma.

She went back to her business in the living room: watching TV.

Amanda: There's food in the fridge.

Bryant: Okay.

There wasn't any getting past her today. That "tutor" trick wouldn't work twice. But maybe if Diamond could come over here...

Bryant: Can I invite someone over to help me with homework?

Amanda: Someone like who?

Bryant: young lady?

Amanda: A smart girl that hangs around you? Boy, please. Nada. Nope. Not happening.

Bryant: Ma!

Amanda: No girls in this house. Nope. Not while you're grounded.

Well damn.

Meanwhile in Diamond's house...

Diamond was just waking up in her room, in the same pajamas from last night. It was nice, but it definitely took a sum of money wherever she lived.  After getting dressed for the day in a black jacket and some jeans, she went to her kitchen to eat. Her mother, Lakisha, was humming as she made breakfast: waffles, eggs, bacon, AND grits.

Lakisha: Oh hey, honey! Nice to see you finally up!

Diamond: Hey, mother. Thanks for making breakfast.

Lakisha: No problem, go and grab your plate.

And the plate was right there on the counter for her. She took it and went back to her room, but before she did, she turned around.

Diamond: Hey, mother, have you seen Dad lately?

Lakisha: No, you know he's always busy. Don't worry, he should be back home tomorrow, dear.

Diamond: Okay, thanks.

Diamond shut her door. After eating her food, she turned on some romance movies and began watching. Losing track of the hours, it was 3 p.m. by the next time she checked.

Diamond: (To herself) Oh right, I was supposed to hang out with that Bryant kid today. Eh, he's been irrelevant after the party, anyways. Plus he's grounded.

She kept watching her movies, not a care in the entire world. Her friend Jayla shot her a text.

Jayla: (Text) You free today?

Diamond: (Text) Yeah, more or less.

Jayla: (Text) Thought you had to hang out with the football captain today.

Diamond: (Text) Meh, he can wait.

Jayla: (Text) Lol, ok.

Diamond: (Text) So you wanna come over to my house today?

Jayla: (Text) Yeah, that sounds nice.

Diamond: (Text) Let's do it then.

And in about 30 minutes, Niyah, Precious, and Jayla had all arrived at Diamond's luxury house.
Diamond opened the door for them.

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