Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A younger Demetrius was walking home from school with his best friend, Mike Westerfield. The pair were sweaty.

Mike: Sheesh, all that hooping...

Demetrius: I know...can barely walk...

Mike: But you still can't guard me, so...

Demetrius: Yeah, whatever.

The pair broke out into a laugh. Demetrius pointed toward his apartment, which was down the street.

Demetrius: You know my birthday is tomorrow, right?

Mike: Of course! Can't be your best friend for five years and not know what day you were born!

Demetrius: Okay, just making sure. It's going to be a big party at my house.

Mike: Sounds fun! I'll make sure to be the first one there! Catch ya later!

Demetrius: Right, I'll see you at school tomorrow!

The pair gave a handshake and went their separate ways. Demetrius walked into his complex, a familiar face ready to greet him.

Mr. Derrick: Hello, Demetrius! Glad you made it home safe!

Demetrius: Oh, hey Mister Derrick!

Demetrius looked back at the entrance.

Demetrius: Wait, where's Mister Joe?

Mr. Derrick: Damn it, that fool must of gone to feed ducks again. I need more guards at that door.

Demetrius: Oh, okay...

He went up the elevator and walked to his apartment door. Once he made it there, he used his key on his door and arrived to more familiar people.

Tiara: Hey son, you're home!

Darius: There you are! You got a big day tomorrow son!

Demetrius: Hey mom, hey dad!

The two hugged him, and he walked into his room, plopping down on his bed. Darius turned to his wife.

Darius: So, I've invited lots of the neighbors, I've already made the guest list, AND I've made sure to order extra, EXTRA food for the fatasses that will take 5 plates.

Tiara: Great, are they all bringing my son a gift?

Darius: Oh trust me, they will.

Demetrius checked out a criminal channel, watching cops thwart a robbery.

Demetrius: (To himself) That's so cool! I want to be one of them one day! Maybe a detective, or chief, or...

He got a ping on his phone.

Mike: (Text) I got a surprise for you tomorrow!

Demetrius: (Text) What is it?

Mike: (Text) A surprise, LOL.

Demetrius: Yeah, yeah.

Tomorrow would be a good day. A very good one.


After class again, lots of kids were ready to go to Demetrius Anderson's birthday party. The streets were filled with kids who had gifts in their hands or just came to have fun. Inside the condo, Demetrius's parents were busy finishing up the decorations.

Tiara: That should be them all. We can start letting the kids up now.

Darius: Alright, let me call Mr. Derrick.

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