Chapter Ten

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The police were busy trying to investigate any possible links to the vigilante that was rumored to have been spotting. There wasn't much, only handcuffed suspects and frightened witnesses.
Captain Thomas and Detective James couldn't find anything conclusive in their investigation. Leaving the investigation team to check for more evidence at the other crime scene, they made their way to the 7-11 that Blake had tried to rob, and were planning to question Ivan.

James: Think he'll have any valuable information?

Thomas: I don't know, but apparently the "vigilante" hasn't been seen since the 7-11 robbery, so it's our best bet.

James: Right.

They walked into the 7-11. Ivan was busy cleaning the shop.

Ivan: Oh, can I help you?

Thomas: Yes, sorry to bother you, but I'm Captain Thomas Fitzroy of the NYPD, and this is NYPD Police Detective James Mercer. We would like to know if you have any information regarding a...vigilante.

Ivan: Oh, I can tell you what I told the other officers.

James: That would be a big help, thanks.

Ivan: Well, I heard gunshots. Then, I heard the robber scream: "You, you're real?," ...then it was mostly...

James: Wait, pause. The robber mentioned the vigilante being real?

Ivan: That's what I heard. It sounded like he had heard of him before.

James: Really?

Thomas took James aside.

Thomas: If he had heard of him before, then that means he could have been in the same organization as Henry.

James: Right, and they could also have been watching the Henry situation.

Thomas and James went back to Ivan.

Thomas: Do you have anything else to share?

Ivan: Well, I told the other officers this, but he had on some military-like equipment, complete with guns and all.

Thomas: So he could have connections?

James: Yeah, that's likely, because ordinary people can't just access military gear.

Thomas: He could either be very rich, or tied to the military. Maybe both.

James: Definitely possibilities.

Ivan: Yeah, he definitely didn't seem normal. He seemed relaxed, more laid back, and dangerous.

James: Maybe our suspect isn't a loud and active person then. Maybe he's introverted and quiet.

Ivan: That's, that's all I have.

Thomas: It's fine, thank you for all the information you have given us. Take care.

James: Thank you, sir.

They left.

Thomas: So, this definitely isn't an average Joe. We need to look for a specific type of person. One silent, but dangerous.

James: Yep.


In the Manhattan Detention Complex, Blake Richmond was awaiting trial. Thrown in a cell with another prisoner, Hammer, he quickly realized his situation was dire.

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