Chapter Thirty

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His biggest fear had arrived: the cops. Demetrius was slightly sweating as a male and female officer approached him.

Officer Arthur: Hello, Demetrius. My name is Arthur Anton and this is my partner Samantha Witley. We heard you were a victim in an incident that took place outside.

Demetrius: Oh...yeah...

Officer Samantha: Can you inform us what happened? Who did you see? What occurred?

Demetrius: Well, I took a walk to clear my head. Then I bumped into a guy, then he tried to rob me.

He looked at Andy.

Demetrius: Then Andy here showed up to try and help, but I was pushed off the bridge.

The officers had a moment of silence.

Officer Arthur: So, did this attacker seem, a bit unsual to you?

Demetrius: I mean, he had a gun.

Officer Samantha: Was that it? Or was there anything else?

Demetrius gave her an unreadable look.

Demetrius: Is there something you're trying to imply, officer?

Officer Samantha: Listen kid, we want to know if you were attacked by that vigilante that's been taking action lately.

Demetrius: I don't know, he had a hoodie on and a gun. And he could throw me off a bridge and that's it.

The officers gathered in a huddle.

Tiara: Baby, just tell them all you know and they should go away.

Demetrius: That is all I know.

Darius: You know cops in this city can be a bit, persistent son.

Demetrius: Yep.

Officer Arthur: We found two guns at the scene Demetrius. And a certain someone has been mentioned using two guns.

Officer Samantha: So, unless one of them was yours...

Tiara: It wasn't. My son doesn't have a gun, we don't even have any in our house.

Officer Samantha: Means that there is something more to the story.

Andy: The gun was mine!

Everyone looked at him.

Officer Arthur: You own a gun?

Andy: dad's, but I keep it on me when I leave because of stuff that's going on...

The officers studied him.

Andy: Yeah...I pulled it out when Demetrius passed out, scared the guy off...

Officer Samantha: Well, seems after this, we'll need to have a talk with your father.

Andy gulped.

Andy: Okay...

The officers walked back outside the room to discuss. Everyone else relaxed a bit.

Tiara: They think you bumped into a...vigilante?

Darius: You haven't heard about him? The Riot dude?

Tiara: How do you know about it?

Darius: My partner keeps tabs on lots of stuff. It's becoming widespread news, really.

Tiara shook her head.

Doctor Reginald: Yeah, I've heard of him. Says he's a gunslinging master martial artist.

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